
Publikationen Mauro Jermini

Rigamonti I., Trivellone V., Brambilla C., Jermini M., Baumgärtner J.
Research and management oriented sampling plans for vine plant inhabiting Scaphoideus titanus Grape leafhopper nymphs.
In: . 2011.

Prevostini M., Taddeo A., Balac K., Trivellone V., Rigamonti I., Baumgärtner J., Jermini M.
WAMS - an adaptive system for knowledge acquisition and decision support: the case of Scaphoideus titanus.
In: . 2011.

Cara C., Milani L., Jermini M.
First observations on Phyllocnistis vitigenella, a new pest in Southern Switzerland.
In: . 2011.

Wicht B., Petrini O., Jermini M., Gessler C., Broggini G.
Molecular, proteomic the ascomycete Guignardia and morphological characterization of Guignardia bidwellii, agent of grape black rot .
In: . 2011.

Jermini M., Trivellone V., Cara C., Baumgärtner J.
Marrying research and management activities: adaptive management of Grape leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus.
In: . 2011.

Jermini M., Cara C.
La mineuse américaine Phyllocnistis vitegenella, un nouveau ravageur de la vigne au Tessin.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 43, (4), 2011, 224-230.

Eder R., Heller W., Jermini M., Roth I., Kiewnick S.
Wirkung verschiedener Bodenbehandlungen gegen Wurzelgallennematoden im Gewächshaus.
Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 8, 2011, 270-274.

Michel V., Gilli C., Jermini M., Heller W.
Bekämpfung des echten Mehltaus der Tomate.
Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW, Changins, Wädenswil. 2011.
weitere Sprachen: französisch | italienisch

Gilli C., Jermini M., Michel V., Rüegg J.
Journée d'information cultures maraîchères sous serre.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, (4), 2011, 33.

Rigamonti I., Jermini M., Fuog D., Baumgärtner J.
Towards an improved understanding of the dynamics of vineyard-infesting Scaphoideus titanus leafhopper populations for better timing of management activities.
Pest Management Science, 67, (5), 2011.

Jermini M.
Editorial: Le Guide Viti est désormais trilingue !
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 43, (1), 2011, 9.

Jermini M., Blaise P., Gessler C.
Quantification of the influence of the downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on the compensatoriy capacities of Vitis vinifera Merlot to limit the qualitative yield damage.
Vitis, 49, (4), 2010, 153-160.

Jermini M., Blaise P., Gessler C.
Response of Merlot (Vitis vinifera) grapevine to defoliation caused by downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) during the following season.
Vitis, 49, (4), 2010, 161-166.

Jermini M.
Influence of Plasmopara viticola on gas exchange parameters on field-growtn Vitis vinifera Merlot.

Jermini M.
Quantitative effect of leaf damage caused by downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) on growth and yield quality of grapevine Merlot (Vitis vinifera).

Linder C., Jermini M., Zufferey E., Höhn H.
Pockenmilbe: auffällige Symptome, geringes Risiko.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 146, (1), 2010, 6-9.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Jermini M., Linder C., Zufferey V.
Nuisibilité de la cicadelle verte sur le Pinot noir en Valais.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 41, (5), 2009, 271-278.

Jermini M., Gobbin D., Matasci C., Gessler C., Pertot I.
Analyse de la structure génétique des populations du mildiou de la vigne (plasmopara viticola).
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 41, (4), 2009, 213-218.

Linder C., Jermini M., Zufferey V.
Nuisibilité de l'érinose sur le cépage Muscat.

Linder C., Jermini M., Zufferey V.
Nuisibilité de l'érinose sur le cépage Muscat.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 41, (3), 2009, 177-181.

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