
Publikationen Valérie Hofstetter

Wang X.-H., Das K., Horman J., Antonin V., Baghela A., Chakraborty D., Hembrom M. E., Nakasone K., Ortiz-Santana B., Vizzini A., Hofstetter V., Buyck B.
Fungal biodiversity profiles 51-60.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 39, (2), 2018, 211-257.

Buyck B., Antonin V., Chakraborty D., Baghela A., Das K., Hofstetter V.
Cantharellus sect. Amethystini in Asia.
Mycological Progress, 16, (8), 2018, 753-759.

Kauff F., Bachran A., Schultz M., Hofstetter V., Lutzoni F., Büdel B.
Molecular data favours a monogeneric Peltulaceae (Lichinomycetes).
The Lichenologist, 50, (3), 2018, 313-327.

Wang X.H., Halling R.E., Hofstetter V., Lebel T., Buyck B.
Nomenclatural novelties.
Index Fungorum, 358, 2018, 1-1.

Buyck B., Zoller S., Hofstetter V.
Walking the thin line… ten years later: the dilemma of aboveversus below-ground features to support phylogenies in the Russulaceae (Basidiomycota).
Fungal Diversity, 89, 2018, 267-292.

Buyck B., Hofstetter V.
Cantharellus subg. Pseudocantharellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales) revisited: One epityfication, one new synonym and one new species.
Mycosphere, 9, (1), 2018, 141-148.

Hofstetter V.
Rebholzkrankheiten: Kenntnisstand und aktuelle Forschung.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 153, (10), 2017, 16-17.

Das K., Ghosh A., Bhatt R. P., Chakraborty D., Hofstetter V., Buyck B.
Fungal biodiversity profiles 41-50.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 38, (4), 2017, 527-547.

Antonín V., Hofstetter V., Ryoo R., Ka K.-H., Buyck B.
New Cantharellus species from the Republic of Korea.
Mycological Progress, 16, (8), 2017, 753-759.

Buyck B., Duhem B., Das K., Jayawardena R.S, Niveiro N., Pereira O.L., Prasher I.B., Adhikari S., Alberto E.O., Bulgakov T.S., Castaneda-Ruiz R.F., Hembrom M.E., Hyde K.D., Lewis D.P., Michlig A. und weitere
Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 21-30.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 38, (1), 2017, 101-146.

Gindro K., Dubuis P.-H., Hofstetter V., Zufferey V., Viret O.
Dépérissement de la vigne: une recherche de longue durée.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 49, (2), 2017, 85.

Hofstetter V., Dubuis P.-H., Zufferey V., Fabre A.-L., Viret O., Gindro K.
Maladies du bois de la vigne: état des lieux et axes de recherche d’Agroscope.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 49, (2), 2017, 88-96.

Hofstetter V., Dubuis P.-H., Zufferey V., Fabre A.-L., Gindro K., Viret Olivier
Maladies du bois de la vigne: état des lieux et axes de recherche d’Agroscope.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 49, (2), 2017, 88-96.

Hofstetter V., Schnee S., Julmi Moreillon C., Remolif E., De Joffrey J.-P., Fabre A.-L., Gindro K.
Comparaison des mycoflores respectivement associées à deux hêtraies montagnardes (vieille et moyenne futaies) exploitées ou non exploitées dans la réserve naturelle de Montricher (CH, Vaud).

Olariaga I., Moreno G., Manjon J. L., Salcedo I., Hofstetter V., Rodriguez D., Buyck B.
Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) revisited in Europe through a multigene phylogeny.
Fungal Diversity, online, (17 November), 2016, 1-30.

Buyck B., Hofstetter V., Olariaga I.
Setting the record straight on North American Cantharellus.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 405-417.

Buyck B., Moreau P-A., Courtecuisse R., Kong A., Roy M., Hofstetter V.
Cantharellus coccolobae sp. nov. and Cantharellus garnieri, two tropical members of Cantharellus subg. Cinnabarinus.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 391-403.

Buyck B., Olariaga I., Justice J., Lewis D., Roody W., Hofstetter V.
The dilemma of species recognition in the field when sequence data are not in phase with phenotypic variability.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 367-389.

Buyck B., Olariaga I., Looney B., Justice J., Hofstetter V.
Wisconsin chanterelles revisited and first indications for very wide distributions of Cantharellus species in the United States East of the Rocky Mountains.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 345-366.

Buyck B., De Crop E., Verbeken A., Hofstetter V.
Untangling the Central African Cantharellus sect. Tenues: Cantharellus minutissimus sp. nov. and epitypification of Cantharellus alboroseus.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 37, (3), 2016, 329-343.

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