
Publikationen Christian Ritzel

Ritzel C., Fiankor D.
How do non-reciprocal trade preferences affect the food exports and food availability per capita of Global South countries?
Global Food Security, 42, 2024, 1-15.

Bystricky M., Furrer C., Ritzel C., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Effects of water protection measures in agriculture on the environmental impacts of the Swiss food sector.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 466, 2024, 1-13.

Ritzel C., Mann S.
Cooperative forms of food production: The effect of organizational decision-making capacity and social capital on perceived benefits.
In: 187th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). 14 June, Frick. 2024, 1-14.

Bystricky M., Mack G., Gaillard G., Herzog F., Irek J., Jeanneret P., Kaiser A., Klein N., Pedolin D., Ritzel C., Wang Y., El Benni N.
Evaluation agrarpolitischer Massnahmen bezüglich Biodiversitätswirkung: Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge und Grenzschutz.
Agroscope Science, 187, 2024.

Ritzel C., Mack G., Fiankor D.-D. D.
The long-term effect of COVID-19 policy stringency on consumer food demand quantities in Switzerland.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 16, 2024, 1-13.

Ritzel C., Möhring A., von Ow A.
Vulnerability assessment of food imports: Conceptual framework and empirical application to the case of Switzerland.
Heliyon, 10, (5), 2024, 1-17.

Mack G., Ritzel C., Ammann J., El Benni N.
Improving the understanding of farmers’ non-compliance with agricultural policy regulations.
Journal of Rural Studies, 106, 2024, 1-11.

Kaiser A., Mack G., Wang Y., Ritzel C.
Gründe für und gegen das Anlegen von biodiversitätsfördernden Strukturen.
In: 46. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 21. November, Hrsg. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2023, 1-18.

Cracco M., Ritzel C.
The effect of Swiss Regional nature parks on agricultural earnings: Evaluating the impact of parks using causal analysis methods.
In: 5th Swiss parks research conference. 12 September, Lausanne. 2023, 1-18.

Ritzel C., von Ow A.
Ernährungssicherheit der Schweiz 2023: Aktuelle Ereignisse und Entwicklungen.
Agroscope Science, 167, 2023.

Fiankor D.-D. D., Lartey A., Ritzel C.
Agri-food importing firms amid a global health crisis.
Food Policy, 119, 2023, 1-13.

Roesch A., Flury C. M., Nemecek T., Mann S., Ritzel C., Gilgen A.
Indicator-based agri-environmental direct payments: Assessment of three systems of different complexity levels.
Ecological Indicators, 147, 2023, 1-12.

Ritzel C., Mann S., van Zyl-Bulitta V.
Prosuming alone or together: A bisectoral approach to conceptualizing the commons prosumer.
International Journal of the Commons, 16, (1), 2023, 295-309.

Ritzel C., Hoop D., Mack G., Portmann, M., Wallner, A.
Swiss Parks of National Importance as model regions of sustainable development: An economic success story for farmers?
In: 51. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. 20. April, Lindau. 2023.

Gilgen A., Drobnik T., Mann S., Flury C. M., Mack G., Ritzel C., Roesch A., Gaillard G.
Can agricultural policy achieve environmental goals through an indicator-based direct payment system?
Q Open, 3, (3), 2023, 1-26.

Ritzel C., Hoop D., Portmann M., Wallner A., Mack G.
Swiss Parks of National Importance as model regions of sustainable development: An economic success story for farmers?
Land Use Policy, 124, 2023, 1-15.

von Ow A., Arbenz A., Ritzel C.
Ernährungssicherheit der Schweiz - Herausforderungen für die Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungskette.
In: 45. Agrarökonomie-Tagung Agroscope. 04. Oktober, Hrsg. Agroscope Tänikon, Agroscope Tänikon. 2022.

Ritzel C., Arbenz A., von Ow A.
Ernährungssicherheit der Schweiz 2022: Aktuelle Ereignisse und Entwicklungen.
Agroscope Science, 135, 2022.

Gilgen A., Drobnik T., Roesch A., Mack G., Ritzel C., Iten L., Flury C., Mann S., Gaillard G.
Indikatorbasierte Direktzahlungen im Agrarumweltbereich: Schlussbericht ans Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft.
Agroscope Science, 136, 2022.

Ritzel C., Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N.
Determinants of the decision to build up excessive food stocks in the COVID-19 crisis.
Appetite, 176, 2022, 1-12.

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