
Publikationen Jenny Kiesbauer

Kiesbauer J., Grieder C., Studer B., Kölliker R.
Perspectives for reducing seed shattering in ryegrasses.
Grass and Forage Science, 78, (4), 2023, 425-437.

Kiesbauer J., Grieder C., Schlatter L. H., Chen Y., Studer B., Kölliker R.
A major QTL for stem rust resistance in Italian ryegrasses explains 53% of the phenotypic variation.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 32, 2022, 22.

Peter J., Kölliker, R., Studer, B., Grieder C.
Italian ryegrass - higher seed yield through targeted selection for low seed shattering.
In: Exploiting genetic diversity of forages to fulfil their economic and environmental roles. Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of the EUCARPIA Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section in cooperation with the EUCARPIA Festulolium Working Group. 06-08 September, Hrsg. Bavarian Stat Reserach Center For Agriculture (LfL), Palacky University Press, Olomouc. 2021, 117-120.