
Publikationen Geoffrey Darbon

Al Mamun A., Neumann G., Moradtalab N., Ahmed A., Dupuis B., Darbon G., Nawaz F., Declerck S., Mai K., Vogt W., Ludewig U., Weinmann M.
Microbial consortia versus single-strain inoculants as drought stress protectants in potato affected by the form of N supply.
Horticulturae, 10, (1), 2024, Artikel 102.

Darbon G., Declerck S., Riot G., Doubell M., Dupuis B.
Inoculation and tracking of beneficial microbes reveal they can establish in field-grown potato roots and decrease blemish diseases.
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 60, 2024, 699-712.