
Publikationen Arnaud Blouin

Temple C., Blouin A., De Jongh K., Foucart Y., Botermans M., Westenberg M., Schoen R., Gentit P., Visage M., Verdin E., Wipf-Scheibel C., Ziebell H., Gaafar Y. Z. A., Zia A., Yan X. H. und weitere
Biological and genetic characterization of Physostegia chlorotic mottle virus in Europe based on host range, location, and time.
Plant Disease, online, (8 April), 2022, 1-56.

Reynard J.-S., Brodard J., Zufferey V., Rienth M., Gugerli P., Schumpp O., Blouin A.
Nuances of responses to two sources of grapevine leafroll disease on pinot noir grown in the field for 17 years.
Viruses, 14, (6), 2022, 1-17.

Fontdevila Pareta N., Lateur M., Steyer S., Blouin A., Massart S.
First report of apple rubodvirus 1, apple luteovirus 1, and apple hammerhead viroid infection of apples in Belgium.
New Disease Reports, 45, (2), 2022, 1-2.

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