
Publikationen Kiran Horrocks

Maggini R., Horrocks K., Xian X., Seehausen L., Collatz J.
Potential distribution of Aromia bungii, a new invasive pest in Europe.
In: Neobiota 2024 - 13th International Conference on Biological Invasions. 4. September, Hrsg. Neobiota 2024, Lisbon (PT). 2024, 1-18.

Horrocks K., Zhang J., Haye T., Seehausen L., Maggini R., Xian X., Chen J., Nugnes F., Collatz J., Gruber A., Gariepy T.
Biology, impact, management and potential distribution of Aromia bungii, a major threat to fruit crops around the world.
Journal of Pest Science, In Press, 2024, 1-23.

Avila G. A., Seehausen L. M., Lesieur V., Chhagan A., Caron V., Down R. E., Audsley N., Collatz J., Bukovinszki T., Sabbatini Peverini G., Tanner R., Maggini R., Milonas P., McGee C. F., Horrocks K. und weitere
Guidelines and framework to assess the feasibility of starting pre-emptive risk assessment of classical biological control agents.
Biological Control, 187, 2023, 1-14.