
Publikationen Sibylle Stöckli

Stöckli S., Bättig D., Albrecht M., Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K.
Biodiversitätsförderflächen im Ackerland: Wirkungen auf Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 223-236.

Stöckli S., Albrecht M., Sutter L., Külling N., Adde A., Guisan A., Lehmann A.
Impact of climate change on wildbees and pollination service.
In: World Biodiversity Forum 2024. 19 June, Davos. 2024, 1.

Samietz J., Stöckli S., Hirschi M., Spirig C., Höhn H., Calanca P., Rotach M.
Modelling the impact of climate change on sustainable management of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) as key pest in apple.
Acta Horticulturae, 1068, 2015, 35-42.

Calanca P., Spirig C., Stöckli S., Samietz J., Holzkaemper A., Hirschi H. U.
Implications of changes in seasonal mean temperature for agricultural production systems: three case studies: Chapter 9.
In: CH2014-Impacts (2014), Toward quantitative scenarios of climate change impacts in Switzerland. June, Hrsg. OCCR, FOEN, MetoSwiss, C2SM, Agroscope, ProClim, Bern Switzerland. 2014, 91-97.

Stöckli S., Samietz J., Hirschi M., Spirig C., Rotach M., Calanca P.
Einfluss der Klimaänderung auf den Apfelwickler.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 148, (19), 2012, 7-10.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Hirschi M., Stöckli S., Rotach M.W., Dubrowsky M., Calanca P., Spirig C., Fischer A.M., Duffy B., Samietz J.
Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modeling in Switzerland.
Earth System Dynamics, 3, 2012, 33-47.

Hirschi M., Stöckli S., Rotach M.W., Dubrowsky M., Calanca P., Spirig C., Fischer A.M., Duffy B., Samietz J.
Supplementary Material: Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modeling in Switzerland.
Earth System Dynamics, 2012.

Stöckli S., Hirschi M., Spirig C., Calanca P., Rotach M.W., Samietz J.
Impact of Climate Change on Voltinism and prospective Diapause Induction of a Global Pest Insect – Cydia pomonella (L.).
PLOS ONE, 7, (4), 2012, 0-9.

Stöckli S., Mody C., Dorn S., Kellerhals M.
Association between Herbivore Resistance and Fruit Quality in Apple.
HortScience, 46, (1), 2011, 12-15.