
Publikationen Giuseppe Bee

Gebert, S., Bee, G., Pfirter, H.P., Wenk, C.
Phytase and vitamin E in the feed of growing pigs: 1. Influence on growth, mineral digestibility and fatty acids in digesta.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 81, 1999, 9-19.

Gebert, S., Bee, G., Pfirter, H.P., Wenk, C.
Growth performance and nutrient utilisation as influenced in pigs by microbial phytase and vitamin E supplementation to a diet of high oxidative capacity.
Annales de zootechnie, 48, 1999, 105-115.

Forni, D., Bee, G., Kreuzer, M., Wenk, C.
Novel biodegradable plastics in sheep nutrition. 2: Effects of NaOH pretreatment of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyvalerate) on in vivo digestibility and on in vitro disappearance (Rusitec).
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 81, 1999, 41-50.

Forni, D., Bee, G., Kreuzer, M., Wenk, C.
Novel biodegradable plastics in sheep nutrition. 1: Effects of untreated plastics on digestibility and metabolic energy and nitrogen utilization.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 81, 1999, 31-40.

Forni, D., Wenk, C., Bee, G.
Digestive utilization of novel biodegradable plastic in growing pigs.
Annales de zootechnie, 48, 1999, 163-171.

Werner, P., Kramer, S., Bee, G.
Uncoupling protein (UCP2 & UCP3) expression in different adipose and muscular tissues from pig.
Union Schweizerischer Gesellschaften für Experimentelle Biologie (USGEP), Basel, 14.-15.10.1999, 1999.

Bee, G., Wenk, C.
Influence of two dietary fat sources and energy levels on lipogenic activity in tissues of pigs.
Journal of Animal Science, 77, (S1), 1999, 0-167.

Bee, G., Wenk, C., Messikommer, R.
Effects of chromium yeast on growth performance and serum and carcass traits of broiler chickens.
Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 63, (5), 1999, 214-219.

Bee, G., Messikommer, R., Gebert, S.
Dietary fats and energy levels differently affect tissue lipogenic enzyme activity in finishing pigs.
Fett/Lipid, 1999, 336-342.

Bee, G.
Correlation between histochemically assessed fiber type distribution and isomyosin and myosin heavy chain content in porcine skeletal muscles.
Journal of Animal Science, 77, 1999, 2104-2111.

Bee, G., Franz, T., Gebert, S., Messikommer, R., Wenk, C.
Effect of energy supply and dietary fat sources on the fatty acid profile of the adipose tissue in growing-finishing pig.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 8, 1999, 0-137.

Bee, G., Seewer, Germaine J.F., Dufey, P.A.
Effect of healing herb (symphytum peregrinum) fed to pigs on meat quality traits (Poster).
Book of Abstracts Annual Meeting EAAP, 1999, 0-322.

Bee, G., Messikommer, R.
Enzymzusätze - eine Alternative zu AML im Futter beim Broiler?
Agrarforschung, 5, (3), 1998, 113-116.

Gebert, S., Bee, G., Messikommer, R., Pfirter, H.P.
Nahrungsfette und Vitamin E im Leghennenfutter.
Agrarforschung, 5, (7), 1998, 325-328.

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