
Publikationen Silvia Ampuero Kragten

Stefan L., Sanchez-Martin J., Kurth T., Keller B., Herren G., Krattinger S. G., Strebel S., Ampuero S., Camp K.-H., Levy Häner L.
A genotype–phenotype approach to discriminate central European spelt landraces from modern wheat-spelt intercrosses in the Swiss context.
Euphytica, 220, (143), 2024, 1-16.

Haak T., Münger A., Ampuero S., Bruckmaier R. M., Südekum K.-H., Schori F.
Assessing short-term feed efficiency and its association with biological markers in herbage-fed dairy cows.
Animal, 18, (7), 2024, 1-14.

Maupomé A., Pastorino N., Schori F., Ampuero S., Kasper-Völkl C.
Methods to estimate genetics parameters related to nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in dairy cows.
In: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Lindau. 2024, 1.

Pastorino N., Maupomé A., Schori F., Ampuero S., Kasper-Völkl C.
Genome-wide association study of nitrogen use efficiency and methane production and intensity on Swiss Holstein cows.
In: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Lindau. 2024, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
The genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in Swiss dairy cows: Ongoing activities at Agroscope.
In: Agro-Vet Strickhof-Tagung. 7. November, Lindau. 2023, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S.
Current study investigating the genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in Swiss dairy cows.
In: Interbull Meeting. 26. August, Lyon. 2023, 1-14.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Ongoing research to investigate the genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions of Swiss dairy cows.
In: ICAR Meeting. 24. May, Toledo. 2023.

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Aeby P., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Leifeld J., Jan P., Gazzarin C., Probo M.
Futterhecken in Dauergrünland zur Erzeugung von Zusatzfutter bei sommerlicher Trockenheit.
In: Generalversammlung des Vereins für die Entwicklung des Futtermittelanbaus. 10. Mai, Sorens. 2023.
weitere Sprachen: französisch | italienisch | englisch

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Laufende Untersuchungen zu genetischen Grundlagen von Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz und Methanemissionen von Schweizer Milchkühen.
In: Spring Conference 2023. 19.April, Hrsg. SCHWEIZERISCHE VEREINIGUNG FÜR TIERWISSENSCHAFTEN, Zollikofen. 2023, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Laufende Untersuchungen zu genetischen Grundlagen von Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz und Methanemissionen von Schweizer Milchkühen.
In: Schweizerische Vereinigung für Tierwissenschaften-Tagung 2023. 19. April, Hrsg. HAFL, Zollikofen. 2023.

Mariotte P., Dereuder E., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Probo M.
Integrating fodder tree hedgerows in permanent grasslands to produce supplementary forage during summer drought.
In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting. 19 December, Hrsg. British Ecological Society, Edinburgh. 2022.

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Dohme-Meier F., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Probo M.
The AgroForageTree project: Agroforestry for forage production in permanent grasslands using fodder tree hedgerows.
In: 6th European Agroforestry Conference. 16 May, Hrsg. Nuoro, Sardinia. 2022, 1-3.

Ampuero S., Haak T., Südekum K.-H., Schori F.
NIRS potential for the prediction of feed efficiency in organic grazing dairy cows.
In: EAAP. 2021.

Ampuero Kragten S., Haak T., Südekum K.-H., Schori F.
NIRS potential for the prediction of feed efficiency in organic grazing dairy cows.
In: EAAP2021. 30.08.2021, Davos. 2021, 1-1.

Lazzari G., Münger A., Ampuero S., Schrade S., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.
The fate of condensed tannins from Acacia mearnsii in dairy cows fed diffferent silages.
ETH-Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 43, 2021, 114-116.

Seoni E., Battacone G., Ampuero S., Dohme-Meier F., Bee G.
Impact of increasing levels of condensed tannins from sainfoin in the grower–finisher diets of entire male pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality.
Animal, 15, (2), 2021, 1-9.

Seoni E., Rothacher M., Arrigo Y., Ampuero S., Bee G., Dohme-Meier F.
The fate of tannins from birdsfoot trefoil and their effect on the nitrogen balance in growing lambs fed diets varying in protein level.
Animals, 11, (1), 2021, 1-13.

Ampuero S., Pacheco Aguirre J. A., Wyss U., Meisser M., Probo M., Huguenin-Elie O.
Forage organic matter digestibility: NIRS predictions based on in vivo values and standardisation of in vitro determinations.
Grassland Science in Europe, 25, 2020, 215-217.

Tretola M., Maghin F., Silacci P., Ampuero S., Bee G.
Effect of supplementing hydrolysable tannins to a grower–finisher diet containing divergent PUFA levels on growth performance, boar taint levels in back fat and intestinal microbiota of entire males.
Animals, 9, (12), 2019, 1-19.

Ampuero S., Chavarria H., Bee G.
Parallel analysis of boar taint compounds in meat and in back fat.
In: Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of meetings held by the Cost action CA15215 IPEMA Innovative Approaches for Pork Production with Entire Males and Immunocastrates. November, CAmbridge University Press. 2018, s38.

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