
Publikationen Gérard Gaillard

Lansche J., Mouron P., Teuscher R., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Creating coherent life cycle databases for ecodesign and product declaration of agroindustrial products: how to deal with contradictory methodological requirements (?).
In: 9th International Conference LCA of Food . October 8 , Hrsg. LCA, San Francisco. 2014, 1-20.

Lansche J., Koch P., Mouron P., Gaillard G.
Eignung der Methoden PEF und ENVIFOOD für die Umweltproduktdeklaration von landwirtschaftlichen Produkten.
Agroscope Science, 6, 2014.

Teuscher R., Lansche J., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Optimizing the LCA data processing for food products in the context of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: challenges and opportunities.
In: 9th International Conference LCA Food 2014. 08.10. - 10.10., Hrsg. American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, ACLCA, San Francisco, California. 2014, 1-7.

Lansche J., Mouron P., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Creating coherent life cycle databases for ecodesign and product declaration of agroindustrial products: how to deal with contradictory methodological requirements.
In: 9th International Conference LCA Food 2014. 08.10-10.10., Hrsg. American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, ACLCA, San Francisco, California. 2014, 1-6.

Jeanneret P., Baumgartner D. U., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Koch B., Gaillard G.
An expert system for integrating biodiversity into agricultural life-cycle assessment.
Ecological Indicators, 46, 2014, 224-231.

Bystricky M., Alig Ceesay M., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Ökobilanz ausgewählter Schweizer Landwirtschaftsprodukte im Vergleich zum Import.
Agroscope Science, 2, 2014.

Kulak M. A., Nemecek T., Frossard E., Gaillard G.
How eco-efficient are low-input cropping systems in Western Europe, and what can be done to improve their eco-efficiency? .
Sustainability, 5, (9), 2013, 3722-3743.

Mouron P., Aubert U., Heijne B., Naef A., Strassemeyer J., Hayer F., Gaillard G., Mack G., Hernandez J., Avilla J., Solé J., Sauphanor B., Alaphilippe A., Patocchi A., Samietz J. und weitere
A Multi-attribute decision method for assessing the overall sustainability of crop protection strategies: A case study based on apple production in Europe.
In: Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems. Berlin, Hrsg. Marta-Costa, A.A., Silva, E. , Springer. 2012, 123-137.

Alig M., Grandl F., Mieleitner J., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Ökobilanz von Rind-, Schweine- und Geflügelfleisch. September 2012.
Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, Zürich. 13. September, 2012, 1-151 S.
weitere Sprachen: französisch | englisch

Mouron P., Heijne B., Naef A., Strassemeyer J., Hayer F., Avilla J., Alaphilippe A., Höhn H., Hernandez J., Mack G., Gaillard G., Solé J., Sauphanor B., Patocchi A., Samietz J. und weitere
Sustainability assessment of crop protection systems: SustainOS methodology and its application for apple orchards.
Agricultural Systems, 113, 2012, 1-15.

Hayer F., Scharfy D., Gaillard G., Anspach V.-A., Albisser Vögeli, G.
Ökobilanzierung des Anbaues von Zwischenkulturen zur Biogasproduktion: Schlussbericht .
Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, Zürich. April, 2012, 1-85 S.

Dauriat A., Gaillard G., Alig M., Scharfy D., Membrez Y., Bachmann N., Steiner R., Charles R., Maltas A., Sinaj S.
Analyse de cycle de vie de la production centralisée et décentralisée de biogaz en exploitations agricoles : Rapport final.
Station de recherche Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART & Station de recherche Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW, Zürich et Nyon. Avril, 2012, 1-147 S.

Nemecek T., Weiler K., Plassmann K., Schnetzer J., Gaillard G., Jefferies D., García-Suárez T., King H., Milá i Canals L.
Estimation of the variability in global warming potential of worldwide crop production using a modular extrapolation approach.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 31, 2012, 106-117.

Oberholzer H.-R., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Weisskopf P., Gaillard G.
A novel method for soil quality in life cycle assessment using several soil indicators.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, online, 2012, 1-11.

Deytieux V., Nemecek T., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Gaillard G., Munier-Jolain N. M.
Is Integrated Weed Management efficient for reducing environmental impacts of cropping systems? A case study based on life cycle assessment.
European Journal of Agronomy, 36, (1), 2012, 55-65.

Mieleitner J., Baumgartner D., Gaillard G.
Qualitative Evaluation von Massnahmen zur Senkung der Treibhausgasemissionen von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben: Projektbericht der Phase 1.

Hersener J.-L., Baumgartner D., Dux D., Aeschbacher U., Alig M., Blaser S., Gaillard G., Glodé M., Jan P., Jenni M., Mieleitner J., Müller G., Nemecek T., Rötheli E., Schmid D.
Zentrale Auswertung von Ökobilanzen landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe (ZA-ÖB): Schlussbericht.

Zimmermann A., Baumgartner D., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Are public payments for organic farming cost-effective? Combining a decision-support model with LCA.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 16, (6), 2011, 548-560.

Boulard, T., Raeppel, C., Brun, R., Lecompte, F., Hayer F., Carmassi, G., Gaillard G.
Environmental impact of greenhouse tomato production in France.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Online First, (24 June), 2011, 1-21.

Nemecek T., Dubois D., Huguenin-Elie O., Gaillard G.
Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: I. Integrated and organic farming.
Agricultural Systems, 104, 2011, 217-232.

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