
Publikationen Thomas Keller

Moreira W. H., Tormena C. A., Karlen D. L., Silva Á. P. d., Keller T., Betioli Jr E.
Seasonal changes in soil physical properties under long-term no-tillage.
Soil and Tillage Research, 160, 2016, 53-64.

Keller T., Arvidsson J.
A model for prediction of vertical stress distribution near the soil surface below rubber-tracked undercarriage systems fitted on agricultural vehicles.
Soil and Tillage Research, 155, 2016, 116-123.

Naveed M., Schjønning P., Keller T., de Jonge L. W., Moldrup P., Lamandé M.
Quantifying vertical stress transmission and compaction-induced soil structure using sensor mat and X-ray computed tomography.
Soil and Tillage Research, 158, 2016, 110-122.

Mossadeghi-Björklund M., Arvidsson J., Keller T., Koestel J., Lamandé M., Larsbo M., Jarvis N.
Effects of subsoil compaction on hydraulic properties and preferential flow in a Swedish clay soil.
Soil and Tillage Research, 156, 2016, 91-98.

Bennett J. M., Woodhouse N. P., Keller T., Jensen T. A., Antille D. L.
Advances in cotton harvesting technology: a review and implications for the John Deere round baler cotton picker.
Journal of Cotton Science, 19, 2015, 225-249.

Schjønning P., van den Akker J.J.H., Keller T., Greve M.H., Lamandé M., Simojoki A., Stettler M., Arvidsson J., Breuning-Madsen H.
Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) analysis and risk assessment for soil compaction—a European perspective.
Advances in Agronomy, 133, 2015, 183-237.

Keller T., da Silva A. P., Tormena C. A., Giarola N. F. B., Cavalieri K. M. V., Stettler M., Arvidsson J.
SoilFlex-LLWR: linking a soil compaction model with the least limiting water range concept.
Soil Use and Management, 31, (2), 2015, 321-329.

Schjønning P., Stettler M., Keller T., Lassen P., Lamandé M.
Predicted tyre–soil interface area and vertical stress distribution based on loading characteristics.
Soil and Tillage Research, 152, 2015, 52-66.

Gut S., Chervet A., Stettler M., Weisskopf P., Sturny W. G., Lamandé M., Schjønning P., Keller T.
Seasonal dynamics in wheel load-carrying capacity of a loam soil in the Swiss Plateau.
Soil Use and Management, 31, (1), 2015, 132-141.

Lamandé M., Keller T., Berisso F., Stettler M., Schjønning P.
Accuracy of soil stress measurements as affected by transducer dimensions and shape.
Soil and Tillage Research, 145, 2015, 72-77.

Naderi-Boldaji M., Alimardani R., Hemmat A., Sharifi A., Keyhani A., Tekeste M. Z., Keller T.
3D finite element simulation of a single-tip horizontal penetrometer–soil interaction. Part II: Soil bin verification of the model in a clay-loam soil.
Soil and Tillage Research, 144, 2014, 211-219.

Naderi-Boldaji M., Sharifi A., Hemmat A., Alimardani R., Keller T.
Feasibility study on the potential of electrical conductivity sensor Veris® 3100 for field mapping of topsoil strength.
Biosystems Engineering, 126, 2014, 1-11.

Stettler M., Keller T., Weisskopf P., Lamandé M., Lassen P., Schjønning P.
Terranimo ® - ein webbasiertes Modell zur Abschätzung des Bodenverdichtungsrisikos.
Landtechnik, 69, (3), 2014, 132-137.
weitere Sprachen: englisch

Défossez P., Richard G., Keller T., Adamiade V., Govind A., Mary B.
Modelling the impact of declining soil organic carbon on soil compaction: Application to a cultivated Eutric Cambisol with massive straw exportation for energy production in Northern France.
Soil and Tillage Research, 141, 2014, 44-54.

Havaee S., Ayoubi S., Mosaddeghi M. R., Keller T.
Impacts of land use on soil organic matter and degree of compactness in calcareous soils of central Iran.
Soil Use and Management, 30, (1), 2014, 2-9.

Keller T., Berli M., Ruiz S., Lamandé M., Arvidsson J., Schjønning P., Selvadurai A. P. S.
Transmission of vertical soil stress under agricultural tyres: Comparing measurements with simulations.
Soil & Tillage Research, 140, 2014, 106-117.

Myrbeck Å., Arvidsson J., Keller T.
Effect of time of autumn primary tillage on soil structure, grain yield and risk of nitrogen leaching in two Swedish clay soils.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 64, (1), 2014, 33-44.

Håkansson I., Arvidsson J., Etana A., Rydberg T., Keller T.
Effects of seedbed properties on crop emergence. 6. Requirements of crops with small seeds.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 63, (6), 2013, 554-563.

Lamandé M., Wildenschild D., Berisso F. E., Garbout A., Marsh M., Moldrup P., Keller T., Hansen S. B., de Jonge L. W., Schjønning P.
X-ray CT and laboratory measurements on glacial till subsoil cores: Assessment of inherent and compaction-affected soil structure characteristics.
Soil Science, 178, (7), 2013, 359-368.

Weisskopf P., Oberholzer H.-R., Rek J., Keller T.
Evolution of structural properties of an arable soil after compation under different regeneration pathways.
Advances in GeoEcology, 42, 2013, 164-182.

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