
Publikationen Jens Leifeld

Poeplau C., Don A., Dondini M., Leifeld J., Nemo R., Schumacher J., Senapati N., Wiesmeier M.
Reproducibility of a soil organic carbon fractionation method to derive RothC carbon pools.
European Journal of Soil Science, 64, (6), 2013, 735-746.

Leifeld J.
Prologue paper: Soil carbon losses from land-use change and the global agricultural greenhouse gas budget.
Science of the Total Environment, 465, 2013, 3-6.

Regnier P., Friedlingstein P., Ciais P., Mackenzie F. T., Gruber N., Janssens I. A., Laruelle G. G., Lauerwald R., Luyssaert S., Andersson A. J., Arndt S., Arnosti C., Borges A. V., Dale A. W., Gallego-Sala A. und weitere
Anthropogenic perturbation of the carbon fluxes from land to ocean.
Nature Geoscience, 6, (8), 2013, 597-607.

Meyer S., Leifeld J.
Concurrent increase in 15N and radiocarbon age in soil density fractions.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176, (4), 2013, 505-508.

Leifeld J., Angers D. A., Chenu C., Fuhrer J., Kätterer T., Powlson D. S.
Organic farming gives no climate change benefit through soil carbon sequestration.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, (11), 2013, 301.

Ammann C., Leifeld J., Jocher M., Neftel A., Fuhrer J.
Effect of grassland renovation on the greenhouse gas budget of an intensive forage production system: Proceedings of 5th Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture.
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4, (2), 2013, 284.

Köck K., Leifeld J., Fuhrer J.
A model-based inventory of sinks and sources of CO2 in agricultural soils in Switzerland: development of a concept.
Forschungsanstalt Agroscope, Zürich. March, 2013, 1-189 S.

Leifeld J., Bassin S., Conen F., Hajdas I., Egli M., Fuhrer J.
Control of soil pH on turnover of belowground organic matter in subalpine grassland.
Biogeochemistry, 112, (1-3), 2013, 59-69.

Leifeld J.
Low-input farming: a way towards climate-friendly agriculture?
Carbon Management, 4, (1), 2013, 31-41.

Leifeld J., Hüppi R.
Pflanzenkohle: Möglicher Player im landwirtschaftlichen Klimaschutz? .
Compostmagazine, 2, 2012, 11-12.

Felber R., Hüppi R., Leifeld J., Neftel A.
Nitrous oxide emission reduction in temperate biochar-amended soils.
Biogeosciences Discuss, 9, 2012, 151-189.

Leifeld J., Steffens M. , Galego-Sala A.
Sensitivity of peatland carbon loss to organic matter quality.
Geophysical Research Letters, 39, (14), 2012, 1-6.

Meyer S., Leifeld J., Bahn M., Fuhrer J.
Land-use change in subalpine grassland soils: Effect on particulate organic carbon fractions and aggregation.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 175, (3), 2012, 401-409.

Hilber I., Blum F., Leifeld J., Schmidt H.-P., Bucheli T.
Quantitative determination of PAHs in biochar: A prerequisite to ensure its quality and safe application.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, (12), 2012, 3042-3050.

Leifeld J., Grünig A.
Response to Interpreting the ash trend within ombrotrophic bog profiles: atmospheric dust depositions vs. mineralization processes. The Etang de la Gruère case study.
Plant and Soil, 353, (1), 2012, 11-14.

Leifeld J.
How sustainable is organic farming?
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 150, 2012, 121-122.

Meyer S., Leifeld J., Bahn M., Fuhrer J.
Free and protected soil organic carbon dynamics respond differently to abandonment of mountain grassland.
Biogeosciences, 9, (2), 2012, 853-865.

Zimmermann M., Leifeld J., Conen F., Bird M. , Meir P.
Can composition and physical protection of soil organic matter explain soil respiration temperature sensitivity?
Biogeochemistry, 107, (1), 2012, 423-436.

Sjögersten-Turner S., Alewell C., Cécillon L., Hagedorn F., Jandl R., Leifeld J., Martinsen V., Schindlbacher A., Sebastià M.-T., Van Miegroet H.
Mountain soils in a changing climate – vulner-ability of carbon stocks and ecosystem feedbacks.
In: Soil carbon in sensitive European ecosystems. From science to land management. Oxford, Hrsg. Jandl, R. (et al.), Wiley-Blackwell. 2011, 118-148.

Jandl R., Alm J., Vesterdal L. , Olsson M., Weiss P., Sjögersten-Turner S., Rodeghiero M., , Leifeld J., Hagedorn F., Bellamy P. , Baritz R.
Soil carbon in sensitive European ecosystems: from science to land management – a summary.
In: Soil carbon in sensitive European ecosystems. From science to land management. Oxford, Hrsg. R. Jandl (et al.), Wiley-Blackwell. 2011, 267-282.

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