
Publikationen Tomas Nemecek

Thoma G., Tichenor Blackstone N., Nemecek T., Jolliet O.
Life cycle assessment of food systems and diets.
In: Food Systems Modelling - Tools for Assessing Sustainability in Food and Agriculture. Hrsg. Peters C.J. & Thilmany D.D., Elsevier & Academic Press. 2022, 37-61.

Nemecek T., Antón A., Basset-Mens C., Gentil-Sergent C., Renaud-Gentié C., Melero C., Naviaux P., Peña N., Roux P., Fantke P.
Operationalising emission and toxicity modelling of pesticides in LCA: the OLCA-Pest project contribution.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 27, (4), 2022, 527-542.

Green A., Nemecek T., Smetana S., Mathys A.
Reconciling regionally-explicit nutritional needs with environmental protection by means of nutritional life cycle assessment.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 312, 2021, 1-16.

Gaillard G., Bystricky M., Gilgen A., Nemecek T.
Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung von Klimaschutzmassnahmen in der Landwirtschaft.
In: Klimaschutz mit Land- und Forstwirtschaft. 14.10., DAF. 2021, 1-27.

Bystricky M., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
LCA of pesticide-free agriculture: A Swiss case of ex-ante evaluation of political decisions.
In: SETAC Europe 2021: Global challenges. An emergency for environmental sciences. Hrsg. SETAC Europe, Brüssel. 2021, 106.

Nemecek T.
Environmental impacts of food and how we can mitigate them?
In: Measuring Food’s Environmental Impacts – A Starting Point Webinar. 28 July, University of Calgary, CAN. 2021, 1-12.

Chai Q., Nemecek T., Liang C., Zhao C., Yu A., Coulter J.A., Wang Y., Hu F., Wang L., Siddique K.H.M., Gan Y.
Integrated farming with intercropping increases food production while reducing environmental footprint.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, (38), 2021.

Nemecek T.
Environmental impacts of pork production: what can we learn from life cycle assessment studies?
In: EAAP2021 - Session "Improving sustainability of pig production by participatory research". 02 September, Hrsg. European Federation of Animal Science, Davos/Virtual. 2021, 1-22.

Nemecek T.
Pathways to reduce the environmental impacts of food production.
In: EFFoST working group Sustainable Food Systems - Transition towards sustainable farming. 30 July, Hrsg. European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), Virtual conference. 2021, 1-22.

Pedolin D., Six J., Nemecek T.
Assessing between and within Product Group Variance of Environmental Efficiency of Swiss Agriculture Using Life Cycle Assessment and Data Envelopment Analysis.
Agronomy, 11, (9), 2021, 1-30.

Wittwer R., Bender S. F., Hartman K., Hydbom S., Lima R.A.A., Loaiza V., Nemecek T., Oehl F., Olsson P.A., Petchey O., Prechsl U.E., Schlaeppi K., Scholten T., Seitz S., Six J. und weitere
Organic and conservation agriculture promote ecosystem multifunctionality.
Science Advances, 7, (34), 2021, 1-12.

Grassauer F., Herndl M., Nemecek T., Guggenberger T., Fritz C., Steinwidder A., Zollitsch W.
Eco-efficiency of farms considering multiple functions of agriculture: Concept and results from Austrian farms.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 297, (15 May), 2021, 1-14.

Ineichen S., Zumwald J., Nemecek T., Reidy B.
How cows compete with human nutrition: Assessing feed-food and land-use competition of Swiss dairy production.
Grassland Science in Europe, 25, 2020, 608-610.

Nemecek T., Bystricky M., Röthlin S.
Umweltwirkungen von Alternativen zur Glyphosatanwendung - Evaluation basierend auf der Ökobilanzierung: Kurz-Gutachten zu Handen des BLW.
Agroscope. 2020, 14 S.

Green A., Nemecek T., Mathys, A.
Testing the use of nutritional-LCA for the sustainable optimization of agricultural-food production.
In: International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 13-16 October, Hrsg. LCAFOOD, Virtual from Berlin. 2020.

Green A., Nemecek T., Chaudhary C., Mathys A.
Assessing nutritional, health, and environmental sustainability dimensions of agri-food production.
Global Food Security, 26, 2020, 1-11.

Green A., Nemecek T., Mathys, A.
Transforming the food sector by integrating nutrition into LCA.
In: Discussion Forum 74 LCA. 29.06., LCA Discussion Forum. 2020.

Nemecek T., Zumwald J., Ineichen S., Reidy B.
Reconsidering the land resource for food production: quantifying feed-food competition in dairy systems.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2020 (LCA Food 2020). 13-16 October, Hrsg. DIL, Berlin, DE. 2020, 559-563.

Nemecek T., Thoma G.
Allocation between milk and meat in dairy LCA: critical discussion of the IDF's standard methodology.
In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food LCAFood2020. 13-16 October, Hrsg. DIL, Berlin, DE. 2020, 83-89.

Meyer N. L., Reguant-Closa A., Nemecek T.
Sustainable diets for athletes.
Current Nutrition Reports, 9, (3), 2020, 147-162.

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