
Publikationen Friedrich Oehl

da Silva D. K. A., Goto B. T., Oehl F., da Silva G. A., Nobre C. P., Pereira C. M. R., de Mello C. M. A., de Assis D. M. A., Marinho F., da Silva I. R., de Pontes J. S., Jobim K, Vieira L. C., de Sousa N. M. F., de Lima R. A. A. und weitere
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new species and records in Northeast of Brazil.
Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao, 36, (Outubro), 2014, 35-50.

Maurer C., Rüdy M., Chervet A., Sturny W. G., Flisch R., Oehl F.
Diversität arbuskulärer Mykorrhizapilze in Ackerkulturen bei Direktsaat und Pflug.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 5, (10), 2014, 398-405.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Palenzuela J., Azcón-Aguilar C., Barea J.-M., da Silva G. A., Oehl F.
Acaulospora viridis, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from two mountain ranges in Andalucía (Spain).
Nova Hedwigia, 99, (1-2), 2014, 71-82.

Silva I. R. d., Mell, C. M. A. d., Ferreira Neto R. A., Silva D. K. A. d., Melo A. L. d., Oehl F., Maia L. C.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along an environmental gradient in the Brazilian semiarid.
Applied Soil Ecology, 84, 2014, 166-175.

Medina J., Cornejo P., Borie F., Meier S., Palenzuela J., Vieira H. E. E., Ferreira A. C. A., Silva G. A. d., Sánchez-Castro I., Oehl F.
Corymbiglomus pacificum, a new glomeromycete from a saline lakeshore in Chile.
Mycotaxon, 127, (1), 2014, 173-183.

Oehl F., Tchabi A., Silva G. A., Sánchez-Castro I., Palenzuela J., do Monte Júnior I. P., Lawouin L. E., Coyne D., Hou Hountondji F. C. C.
Acaulospora spinosissima, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from the Southern Guinea Savanna in Benin.
Sydowia, 66, (1), 2014, 29-42.

Wetzel K., Silva G., Matczinski U., Oehl F., Fester T.
Superior differentiation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities from till and no-till plots by morphological spore identification when compared to T-RFLP.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 72, 2014, 88-96.

Sousa C. S., Menezes R. S. C., Sampaio E. V. B. S., Lima F. S., Maia L. C., Oehl F.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in successional stages of caatinga in the semi-arid region of Brazil.
Ciência Florestal, 24, (1), 2014, 137-148.

Abdelhalim T. S., Finckh M. R., Babiker A. G., Oehl F.
Species composition and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in White Nile state, Central Sudan.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 60, (3), 2014, 377-391.

Aguilera P., Cornejo P., Borie F., Barea J. M., von Baer E., Oehl F.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Triticum aestivum L. plants growing in an Andosol with high aluminum level.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 186, 2014, 178-184.

Teixeira T., Souza R., Cavalcanti T., Maia L., Oehl F., Lima C.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a semi-arid, limestone mining-impacted area of Brazil.
Acta Botanica Brasilica, 27, (4), 2013, 688-693.

Pontes J. S., Sánchez-Castro I., Palenzuela J., Costa Maia L., Alves da Silva G., Oehl F.
Scutellospora alterata, a new gigasporalean species from the semi-arid Caatinga biome in Northeastern Brazil.
Mycotaxon, 125, 2013, 169-181.

Palenzuela J., Azcón-Aguilar C., Barea J.-M., Alves da Silva G., Oehl F.
Septoglomus altomontanum, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from mountainous and alpine areas in Andalucía (southern Spain).
IMA Fungus, 4, (2), 2013, 243-249.

Furrazola E., Tomio Goto B., Alves da Silva G., Torres-Arias Y., Morais T., Elizabete Pereira de Lima C., Carenna Almeida de Ferreira A., Costa Maia L., Sieverding E., Oehl F.
Acaulospora herrerae, a new pitted species in the Glomeromycetes from Cuba and Brazil.
Nova Hedwigia, 97, (3), 2013, 401-413.

Palenzuela J., Azcón-Aguilar C., Barea J.-M., Alves da Silva G., Oehl F.
Acaulospora pustulata and Acaulospora tortuosa, two new species in the Glomeromycota from Sierra Nevada National Park (southern Spain).
Nova Hedwigia, 97, (3), 2013, 305-319.

Aragão de Mello C. M., Silva G. A., Assis D. M. A., Pontes J. S., Ferreira A. C. A., Leão M. P. C., Vieira H. E. E., Maia L. C., Oehl F.
Paraglomus pernambucanum sp. nov. and Paraglomus bolivianum comb. nov., and biogeographic distribution of Paraglomus and Pacispora.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 86, 2013, 113-125.

Estrada B., Beltrán-Hermoso M., Palenzuela J., Iwase K., Ruiz-Lozano J. M., Barea J.-M., Oehl F.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Asteriscus maritimus (L.) Less., a representative plant species in arid and saline Mediterranean ecosystems.
Journal of Arid Environments, 97, 2013, 170-175.

Sousa C. S., Menezes R. S. C., Sampaio E. V. B. S., Lima F. S., Oehl F., Maia L. C.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi within agroforestry and traditional land use systems in semi-arid Northeast Brazil.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 35, 2013, 307-314.

Silva G. A. d., Maia L. C., Oehl F.
Phylogenetic systematics of the Gigasporales.
Mycotaxon, 122, (1), 2013, 207-220.

Oehl F., Castillo C., Schneider D., Säle V., Sieverding E.
Ambispora reticulata, a new species in the Glomeromycota from mountainous areas in Switzerland and Chile.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 85, 2012, 129-133.

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