
Publikationen Friedrich Oehl

Azcón-Aguilar C., Palenzuela J., Ferrol N., Oehl F., Barea J. M.
Mycorrhizal status and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity of endangered plant species in the Sierra Nevada National Park.
In: The Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Mediterranean Environment. New York, Hrsg. Hafidi, M. & Duponnois, R., Nova Science Publishers. 2012, 49-70.

Oehl F., Maia L. C., Silva G. A.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils: from taxonomy and biodiversity to biogeography.
In: 30th Brazilian Congress on Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. Brazil , Hrsg. Maceió, Alagóas. 2012, 0-0.

Goto B. T., Jardim J. G., Silva G. A., Furrazola E., Torres-Arias Y., Oehl F.
Glomus trufemii (Glomeromycetes), a new sporocarpic species from Brazilian sand dunes.
Mycotaxon, 120, (April-June), 2012, 1-9.

de Mello C. M. A, da Silva G. A., Vieira H. E. E., da Silva I. R., Maia L. C., Oehl F.
Fuscutata aurea, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from cassava and maize fields in the Atlantic rainforest zone of Northeastern Brazil.
Nova Hedwigia, 95, (1-2), 2012, 267-275.

Oehl F., Palenzuela J., Sánchez-Castro I., Kuss P., Sieverding E., Silva G. A. d.
Acaulospora nivalis, a new fungus in the Glomeromycetes, characteristic for high alpine and nival altitudes of the Swiss Alps.
Nova Hedwigia, 95, (1-2), 2012, 105-122.

Chaturvedi S., Tewari V., Sharma S., Oehl F., Wiemken A, Sharma A. K.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in oak-pine forests and agricultural land prevalent in the Kumaon Himalayan hills, Uttarakhand, India.
British Microbiology Research Journal, 2, (2), 2012, 82-96.

da Silva D., Pereira C., de Souza R., da Silva G., Oehl F., Maia L.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in restinga and dunes areas in Brazilian Northeast.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 21, (9), 2012, 2361-22373.

Sousa C. d. S., Menezes R. S. C., Sampaio E. V. d. S. B., Oehl F., Maia L. C., Garrido M. d. S. , Lima F. d. S.
Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi after organic fertilization in maize, cowpea and cotton intercropping systems.
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 34, (2), 2012, 149-156.

Goto B. T., Silva G. A., De Assis D. M. A., Silva D. K. A., Souza R. G., Ferreira A. C. A., Jobim K., Mello C. M. A., Vieira H. E. E., Maia L. C. , Oehl F.
Intraornatosporacea (Gigasporales), a new family with two new genera and two new species.
Mycotaxon, 119, (January-March), 2012, 117-132.

Oehl F., Palenzuela J., Sánchez-Castro I., Hountondji F. C. C., Tchabi A., Lawouin L., Barea J., Coyne D. , Alves da Silva G.
Acaulospora minuta, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spezies from sub-Saharan savannas of West Africa.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 84, 2011, 213-218.

Estrada B., Palenzuela J., Barea J., Manuel Ruiz-Lozano J., Alves da Silva G., Oehl F.
Diversispora clara (Glomeromycetes) a new species from saline dunes in the Natural Park Cabo de Gata (Spain).
Mycotaxon, 118, (1), 2011, 73-81.

Oehl F., Da Silva, G. A., Goto, B. T., Sieverding, E.
New recombinations in Glomeromycota.
Mycotaxon, 117, (July-September), 2011, 429-434.

Oehl F., Da Silva, G. A., Sanchez-Castro, I., Goto, B. T., Maia, L. C., Vieira, H. E. E., Sieverding, E., Palenzuela, J.
Revision of Glomeromycetes with entrophosporoid and glomoid spore formation with three new genera.
Mycotaxon, 117, (July-September), 2011, 297-316.

Oehl F., Sieverding, E., Palenzuela, J., Ineichen, K. , Da Silva, G. A.
Advances in Glomeromycota taxonomy and classification.
IMA Fungus, 2, (2), 2011, 191-199.

Oehl F., da Silva, G. A., Palenzuela, J., Sanchez-Castro, I., Castillo, C. , Sieverding, E.
Acaulospora punctata, a new fungal species in the Glomeromycetes from mountainous altitudes of the Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes.
Nova Hedwigia, 93, (3-4), 2011, 353-362.

Oehl F., Schneider, D., Sieverding, E., Burga, C. A.
Succession of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in the foreland of the retreating Morteratsch glacier in the Central Alps.
Pedobiologia, 54, 2011, 321-331.

Oehl F., Da Silva, D. K. A., Maia, L. C., De Sousa, N. M. F., Vieira, H. E. E., Da Silva, G. A.
Orbispora gen. nov., ancestral in the Scutellosporaceae (Glomeromycetes).
Mycotaxon, 116, (1), 2011, 161-169.

Oehl F., Da Silva, G. A., Goto, B. T., Maia, L. C., Sieverding, E.
Glomeromycota: two new classes and a new order.
Mycotaxon, 116, (1), 2011, 365-379.

Oehl F., Da Silva, G. A., Goto, B. T., Sieverding, E.
Glomeromycota: three new genera and glomoid species reorganized.
Mycotaxon, 116, (1), 2011, 75-120.

Zihlmann U., Tschachtli, R., Oberholzer H.-R., van der Heijden M., Oehl F.
Langzeitversuch Burgrain: Ertrag und Qualität von biologisch und integriert angebauten Ackerkulturen im Vergleich.
In: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Es geht ums Ganze: Forschen im Dialog von Wissenschaft und Praxis, Vol. 1: Boden - Pflanze - Umwelt, Lebensmittel und Produktqualität. 16.- 18. März , Hrsg. G. Leithold (ed.), Giessen. 2011, 81-83.

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