Publication List

Publications Patrik Kehrli

Romero Lozano I., Hévin S., Kehrli P.
New insights into sour rot: A complex interaction between the microbial community, vinegar flies and weather.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 171, 2024, 67-74.

Pasquier D., Kehrli P.
Efficacy of recent active aerosol emitters versus conventional passive dispensers for the mating disruption of grapevine moths.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 171, 2024, 85-87.

Linder C., Jeanrenaud M., Kehrli P.
Kaolin against Scaphoideus titanus as an alternative to natural pyrethrins in Swiss vineyards?
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 171, 2024, 62-66.

Linder C., Kehrli P., Jeanrenaud M.
Lutter contre Scaphoideus titanus avec le kaolin?
Vignes et Vergers, 6, 2024, 17-19.

Linder C., Oggier A., Debonneville C., Kehrli P., Schumpp O., Conedera M., Rizzoli A.
From landscape to cultivated compartments: A proactive approach for the early detection of Flavescence dorée.
In: 6th European Bois Noir Workshop : Towards the Prophylactic and Agro-Ecological Control of flavescence dorée and other Grapevine Yellows (Pro-AECOGY). 14-16 May, Publ. inrae, Bordeaux. 2024, 1-2.

Kehrli P., Pasquier D.
Efficacité des puffers comparé aux diffuseurs classiques pour la confusion sexuelle des vers de la grappe.
Vignes et Vergers, 56, (5), 2024, 17-18.

Fragnière A.-L., Bacher S., Kehrli P.
Identifying candidate host plants for trap cropping against Drosophila suzukii in vineyards.
Journal of Pest Science, In Press, 2024, 1-17.

Dubuis P.-H., Linder C., Gfeller A., Kehrli P., Egli-Künzler L., Mackie-Haas K.
Pflanzenschutzmittel für den Rebbau 2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 512, 2024, 1-20.
other Languages: french | italian

Egger B., Kambor J., Kuster T., Perren S., Schöneberg A., Bünter M., Stutz C. J., Debonneville C., Dubuis P.-H., Gfeller A., Kehrli P., Linder C., Naef A.
Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Erwerbsobstbau 2024-2025.
Agroscope Transfer, 514, 2024, 1-84.
other Languages: french

Kuske S., Kambor J., Kehrli P., Egger B.
Pfirsichwickler: Grapholita molesta.
Publ. Agroscope, Merkblatt Nr. 192, 2023, 2 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

Rizzoli A., Debonneville C., Linder C., Kehrli P.
Jaunisses de la vigne : Flavescence dorée et Bois noir - description, biologie et lutte.
Vignes et Vergers, 3, 2023, 28-30.

Rizzoli A., Debonneville C., Linder C., Kehrli P.
Vergilbungskrankheiten der Rebe: Goldgelbe Vergilbung und Schwarzholzkrankheit – Beschreibung, Biologie und Bekämpfung.
Publ. Agroscope, Merkblatt Nr. 168, 2023, 3 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

Linder C., Jeanrenaud M., Kehrli P.
Controlling Scaphoideus titanus with kaolin? Summary of four years of field trials in Switzerland.
OENO One, 57, (2), 2023, 323-329.

Kehrli P., Pasquier D.
Chenilles de vers de la grappe ou pyrale ? : Aide à l'identification.
Vignes et Vergers, 5, 2023, 6-7.

Dubuis P.-H., Gfeller A., Egli-Künzler L., Kehrli P., Linder C., Reynard J.-S., Debonneville C., Spring J.-L., Zufferey V., Mackie-Haas K., Blouin A., Verdenal T.
Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Rebbau 2023/2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 465, 2023, 1-60.
other Languages: french | italian

Dubuis P.-H., Linder C., Gfeller A., Kehrli P., Egli-Künzler L., Mackie-Haas K.
Pflanzenschutzmittel für den Rebbau 2023.
Agroscope Transfer, 464, 2023, 1-20.
other Languages: french | italian

La Forgia D., Hiltpold I., Gindro K., Cléroux. M, Kehrli P.
Following stink odor: The use of oviposition induced plant volatile to enhance the presence of egg parasitoids in the field against Halyomorpha halys and Nezara Viridula.
In: Pherofruit 2022. 25. septembre, Girona (Spanien). 2022.

Kehrli P., Monnier J., Vonlanthen O., Linder C., Cara C., Jelmini L., Steiner T., Stäheli N.
Bestimmung des Kirschessigfliegenbefalls im Rebberg.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 158, (12), 2022, 21-24.

Weibel J., Buchmann B., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Egger B., Kehrli P.
Europäische Steinobst-Vergilbungskrankheit: Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum, Synonyme: Chlorotisches Blattrollen.
Publ. Agroscope, Wädenswil. Merkblatt Nr. 157, August, 2022, 2 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

Weibel J., Buchmann B., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Perren S., Kehrli P.
Birnenverfall: Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri, Synonym: Birnbaumsterben.
Publ. Agroscope, Wädenswil. Merkblatt Nr. 156, August, 2022, 2 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

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