Publication List

Publications Patrik Kehrli

Fleury I. , Fleury D. , Kehrli P., Maignet P. , Kuske S., Lefort F.
Assessment of the biocontrol potential of enthomopathogenic fungi on Myzus persicae.
In: Poster. 13.09.2012, Publ. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.

Kehrli P., Linder C., Karp J., Burdet J-P.
Ohrwürmer und Weinaroma.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 148, (16), 2012, 4-7.
other Languages: french

Baroffio C., Fischer S., Kehrli P.
Die Kirschessigfliege Drosophila suzukii: ein neuer Schädling bedroht einheimische Obst- und Beerenkulturen.
g'plus, (9/2012), 2012, 38-39.

Kehrli P., Karp J., Burdet J.-P., Deneulin P., Danthe E., Lorenzini F., Linder C.
Impact of processed earwigs and their faeces on the aroma and taste of 'Chasselas' and 'Pinot Noir' wines.
Vitis, 51, (2), 2012, 87-93.

Kehrli P., Höhn H., Baroffio C., Fischer S.
La drosophile du cerisier, un nouveau ravageur dans nos cultures fruitières.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 42, (1), 2012, 69-71.

Briand F., Guerin P.M, Charmillot P.-J., Kehrli P.
Small Cages with Insect Couples Provide a Simple Method for a Preliminary Assessment of Mating Disruption.
The Scientific World Journal, 2012.

Baroffio C., Fischer S., Kehrli P.
Nouveau ravageur de nos cultures fruitières et de nos jardins.
Horticulture Romande, (5), 2012, 26-27.

Baroffio C., Fischer S., Kehrli P., Richoz P.
Drosophila suzukii die spezifischen Erkennungsmerkmale.
In: Infotag Beeren. mai, Publ. Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW, Conthey. 2012, 1-1.

Kehrli P., Höhn H., Baroffio C., Fischer S.
La drosophile du cerisier, un nouveau ravageur dans nos cultures fruitières.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (1), 2012, 69-71.

Kehrli P., Pasquier D.
Biology and impact of the forest bug Pentatoma rufipes L. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in pear and apricot orchards.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 74, 2012, 33-37.

Höhn H., Naef A., Holliger E., Widmer A., Gölles M., Linder C., Dubuis P.-H., Kehrli P., Bohren C.
Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Erwerbsobstbau 2012/2013.
Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil. 122, 2012, 64 pp.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Herbicides against stinging nettle to control grapewine bois noir disease: does the timing of application affect the emergence of its vector Hyalesthes obsoletus?
In: . 2011.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Herbicides against stinging nettle to control grapewine bois noir disease: does the timing of application affect the emergence of its vector?
In: . 2011.

Briand F., Vergely C. , Charmillot P.-J., Kehrli P.
Small insect enclosure field cages: A simple method to assess mating disruption.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 7, 2011, 289-293.

Linder C., Lorenzini F., Kehrli P.
Can Harmonia axyridis affect the taste of European wines?
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 67, 2011, 271-274.

Kehrli P., Kessler S., Schaerer S., Delabays N.
Distribution and host plant preferences of Hyalesthes obsoletus, the vector of bois noir disease, in Switzerland.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 67, 2011, 3-8.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Controlling ‘bois noir’ disease on grapevine: does the timing of herbicide application affect vector emergence?
Journal of Applied Entomology, (136), 2011, 234-237.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Brennnesselbekämpfung und Schwarzholzkrankheit.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 147, (10), 2011, 5-7.
other Languages: french

Kessler S., Schaerer S., Delabays N., Turlings T.C.J., Trivelone V., Kehrli P.
Host plant preferences of Hyalesthes obsoletus, the vector of the grapevine yellows disease ‘bois noir’, in Switzerland.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 139, (1), 2011, 60-67.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Brennnesselbekämpfung und Schwarzholzkrankheit.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 147, (10), 2011, 5-7.
other Languages: french

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