Publication List

Publications Mahnaz Katouzi

Akbari M., Sabouri H., Sajadi S. J., Yarahmadi S., Ahangar L., Abedi A., Katouzi M.
Mega Meta-QTLs: A strategy for the production of Golden Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) tolerant to abiotic stresses.
Genes, 13, (11), 2023, 1-28.

Makhtoum S., Sabouri H., Gholizadeh A., Ahangar L., Katouzi M., Mastinu A.
Mapping of QTLs controlling barley agronomic traits (Hordeum vulgare L.) under normal conditions and drought and salinity stress at reproductive stage.
Plant Gene, 31, 2022, 1-23.

Makhtoum S., Sabouri H., Gholizadeh A., Ahangar L., Katouzi M.
QTLs controlling physiological and morphological traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings under salinity, drought, and normal conditions.
BioTech, 11, (3), 2022, 1-20.

Makhtoum S., Sabouri H., Gholizadeh A., Ahangar L., Taliei F., Katouzi M.
Important chromosomal regions for genetic control of powderymildew resistance under control, drought, and saline conditionsin barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
Tropical Plant Pathology, 46, 2021, 622-642.

Sabouri H., Gholizadeh A., Alegh S. M., Sanchouli S., Katouzi M.
Genetic structure of Fe toxicity tolerance in Iranian rice (Oryza sativa L.) inbred lines population at seedling stage.
Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding, 9, (2), 2021, 12-23.