Publication List

Publications Sergei Schaub

Klaus V., Schaub S., Séchaud R., Fabian Y., Jeanneret P., Lüscher A., Huguenin-Elie O.
Upscaling of ecosystem service and biodiversity indicators from field to farm to inform agri-environmental decision- and policy-making.
Ecological Indicators, 163, 2024, 1-9.

Schaub S., Ghazoul. J., Huber R., Zhang W., Sander A., Rees C., Banerjee S., Robert Finger.
The role of behavioural factors and opportunity costs in farmers' participation in voluntary agri‐environmental schemes: A systematic review.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74, (3), 2023, 617-660.

Wang Y., Schaub S., Wuepper D., Finger R.
Culture and agricultural biodiversity conservation.
Food Policy, 120, 2023, 1-20.

Elmiger N., Finger R., Ghazoul J., Schaub S.
Biodiversity indicators for result-based agri-environmental schemes: Current state and future prospects.
Agricultural Systems, 204, 2023, 1-17.