Debonneville C., Linder C., Viret O., Jeanrenaud M., Schumpp O.
Detailed assessment of control measures against “flavescence dorée” allows reduction of pesticide use.
Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13, (1), 2023, 61-62.
Debonneville C., Groux R., Brodard J., Schumpp O.
The Complete Genome of the “Flavescence Dorée” Phytoplasma Reveals Characteristics of Low Genome Plasticity.
In: Bioinformatic Symposium. 16. May, Publ. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2023, 1-6.
Rizzoli A., Oggier A., Jermini M., Battelli R., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Conedera M.
Adaptive management trials for the control of Scaphoideus titanus, main vector of “flavescence dorée” phytoplasmas.
Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13, (1), 2023, 59-60.
Rizzoli A., Oggier A., Jermini M., Battelli R., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Conedera M.
Adaptive management trials for the control of Scaphoideus titanus, main vector of “flavescence dorée” phytoplasmas.
In: 5th International Phytoplasmologist Working Group Meeting. 21 May, Muscat, Oman. 2023, 1-2.
Dubuis P.-H., Gfeller A., Egli-Künzler L., Kehrli P., Linder C., Reynard J.-S., Debonneville C., Spring J.-L., Zufferey V., Mackie-Haas K., Blouin A., Verdenal T.
Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Rebbau 2023/2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 465, 2023.
other Languages:
Mahillon M., Groux R., Bussereau F., Brodard J., Debonneville C., Demal S., Kellenberger I., Peter M., Steinger T., Schumpp O.
Virus yellows and syndrome ”Basses Richesses” in western Switzerland:: A dramatic 2020 season calls for urgent control measures.
Pathogens, 11, (8), 2022, 1-18.
Weibel J., Buchmann B., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Egger B., Kehrli P.
Europäische Steinobst-Vergilbungskrankheit: Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum, Synonyme: Chlorotisches Blattrollen.
Agroscope, Wädenswil. Merkblatt Nr. 157, August, 2022, 2 pp.
other Languages:
Weibel J., Buchmann B., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Perren S., Kehrli P.
Birnenverfall: Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri, Synonym: Birnbaumsterben.
Agroscope, Wädenswil. Merkblatt Nr. 156, August, 2022, 2 pp.
other Languages:
Debonneville C., Mandelli L., Brodard J., Groux R., Roquis D., Schumpp O.
The complete genome of the “Flavescence Dorée” phytoplasma reveals characteristics of low genome plasticity.
Biology, 11, (7), 2022, 1-17.
Rizzoli A., Jelmini L., Pezzatti G.B., Jermini M., Schumpp O., Debonneville C., Marcolin E., Krebs P., Conedera M.
Impact of the “Flavescence Dorée” Phytoplasma on Xylem growth and anatomical characteristics in trunks of ‘Chardonnay’ grapevines (Vitis vinifera).
Biology, 11, (7), 2022, 1-14.
Egli-Künzler L., Dubuis P.-H., Kehrli P., Linder C., Debonneville C.
Pflanzenschutz aktuell: Jahresrückblick 2021.
In: Wädenswiler Weintage 2022. 13. Januar, Wädenswil. 2022, 1-34.
Weibel J., Buchmann B., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Egger B., Kehrli P.
Apfeltriebsucht: Candidatus Phytoplasma mali, Synonyme: Hexenbesen, Besenwuchs.
Agroscope, Wädenswil. Merkblatt Nr. 142, März, 2022, 2 pp.
other Languages:
Egger B., Kuster T., Perren S., Schöneberg A., Stutz C. J., Bünter M., Debonneville C., Linder C., Kehrli P., Dubuis P.-H., Christen D., Naef A.
Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Erwerbsobstbau 2022/2023.
Agroscope Transfer, 421, 2022.
other Languages:
Dupuis B., Tallant M., Riot G., de Werra P., Vetterli C., Kellenberger I., Debonneville C.
Resultate der Kartoffelversuche 2020.
Agroscope Transfer, 412, 2021.
other Languages:
de Werra P., Debonneville C., Kellenberger I., Dupuis B.
Pathogenicity and relative abundance of dickeya and pectobacterium species in Switzerland: An epidemiological dichotomy.
Microorganisms, 9, (11), 2021, 2270-2283.
Groux R., Mahillon M., Bussereau F., Brodard J., Debonneville C., Kellenberger I., Steinger T., Schumpp O.
Distribution and intraspecific variation of Beet yellows virus (BYV) in Switzerland.
In: Rencontres virologie végétale 2021. 12.09., Publ. Agroscope, Aussois - Inrae. 2021, 1.
Bussereau F., Cornamusaz B., Debonneville C., Schumpp O.
Syndrôme des basses richesses.
In: Journée Phytosanitaire Grandes Cultures 2021. 19.01., Nyon Agroscope. 2021, 1-12.
Debonneville C.
Flavescence dorée.
In: Journée d’échanges Flavescence dorée. 16.03., Marcellin - Canton de Vaud. 2021, 1-7.
Mandelli L., Debonneville C., Battelli R., Condera M., Jeanrenaud M., Jermini M., Linder C., Rizzoli A., Viret O., Schumpp O.
Spread of flavescence dorée phytoplasma in formerly and recently colonised areas of Switzerland.
In: EURL-Virologie. 10.06., EURL-Virologie. 2021, 1-11.
Mandelli L., Debonneville C., Linder C., Schumpp O., Jeanrenaud M., Viret O.
Dynamics of Flavescence dorée in the canton of Vaud.
In: PhD Symposium. 18 March, Publ. Agroscope, Changins. 2021, 1.