Publication List

Publications Barbara Walther

Jakob E., Walther B., Wechsler D., Haldimann M.
Beitrag von Milch und Käse zur Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Jod.
In: FML Wintertagung. 02. Februar, Liebegg - Fachgruppe Milch und Lebensmittel FML. 2018, 1-18.

Gille D., Walther B., Badertscher R., Bosshart A., Brügger C., Brühlhart M., Gauch R., Noth P., Vergères G., Egger L.
Detection of lactose in products with low lactose content.
International Dairy Journal, 83, 2018, 17-19.

Gille D., Schmid A., Walther B., Vergères G.
Fermented food and non-communicable chronic diseases: A review.
Nutrients, 10, (4), 2018, 1-18.

Walther B., Wechsler D., Schlegel P., Haldimann M.
Iodine in Swiss milk depending on production (conventional versus organic) and on processing (raw versus UHT) and the contribution of milk to the human iodine supply.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 46, 2018, 138-143.

Chollet M., Guggisberg D., Portmann R., Risse M.-C., Walther B.
Determination of menaquinone production by Lactococcus spp. and propionibacteria in cheese.
International Dairy Journal, 75, (December), 2017, 1-9.

Schmid A., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Walther B., Stoffers H.
Factors predicting meat and meat products consumption among middle-aged and elderly people: evidence from a consumer survey in Switzerland.
Food & Nutrition Research, online, (24 April), 2017, 1-12.

Despland C., Walther B., Kast C., Campos V., Rey V., Stefanoni N., Tappy L.
A randomized-controlled clinical trial of high fructose diets from either Robinia honey or free fructose and glucose in healthy normal weight males.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, online, (17 March), 2017, e1-e7.

Gille D., Zangger N., Soneson C., Bütikofer U., Delorenzi M., Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K.A., Chollet M., Walther B., Laederach K., Vergères G.
Caloric dose-responsive genes in blood cells differentiate the metabolic status of obese men.
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 43, 2017, 156-165.

Walther B., Schmid A.
Effect of fermentation on vitamin content in food: Chapter 7.
In: Fermented foods in health and disease prevention. Boston, Publ. Juana Frias, Cristina Martinez-Villaluenga, Elena Peñas, Academic Press, Boston. 2017, 131-157.

Gille D., Bütikofer U., Chollet M., Schmid A., Altintzoglou T., Honkanen P., Stoffers H., Walther B., Piccinali P.
Nutrition behavior of the middle-aged and elderly: Compliance with dietary recommendations of the food pyramid.
Clinical Nutrition, 35, (3), 2016, 638-644.

Walther B., Vergères G., Gille D.
Mangelernährung im Alter – eine komplexe Problematik.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 1, 2016, 35-37.

Schmid A., Petry N., Walther B., Bütikofer U., Luginbühl W., Gille D., Chollet M., McTernan P. G., Gijs M. A. M., Vionnet N., Pralong F. P., Laederach K., Vergères G.
Inflammatory and metabolic responses to high-fat meals with and without dairy products in men.
British Journal of Nutrition, 113, (12), 2015, 1853-1861.

Rémond D., Shahar D.R., Gille D., Pinto P., Kachal J., Peyron M.-A., Nunes Dos Santos C., Walther B., Bordoni A., Dupont D., Tomás-Cobos L., Vergères G.
Understanding the gastrointestinal tract of the elderly to develop dietary solutions that prevent malnutrition.
Oncotarget, 6, (16), 2015, 13858-13898.

Gille D., Schmid A., Walther B.
Tierische Lebensmittel auf den Tellern der Schweizer Generation 50+.
Swissmilk-Newsletter, Dezember, 2015, 1-4.

Schmid A., Gille D., Walther B., Bütikofer U., Piccinali Schwegler P., Chollet M., Stoffers H.
Umfrage zur Ernährung der Generation 50+.
Agroscope Science, 28, 2015.

Chollet M., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Stoffers H., Walther B.
Beliefs and concerns about dairy products in the Swiss older adult population.
Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 5, (3), 2015, 365-371.

Arrigoni E., Kast C., Walther B.
Effects of dietary sugars from natural sources on health outcomes.
In: Dietary Sugars and Health. 2015, Publ. Goran M. I., Tappy L., Lê K.-A., CRC Press, Boca Raton FL. 2015, 59-79.

Chollet M., Walther B.
Produits laitiers pour la génération 50+.
Alimenta, 19, 2014, 32-33.

Strahm W., Walther B., Chollet M., Stoffers H.
Sauermilchprodukte - Eine Übersicht: 2. Auflage, Stand 2014.
Agroscope Transfer, 42, 2014.

Chollet M., Gille D., Piccinali P., Bütikofer U., Schmid A., Stoffers H., Altintzoglou T., Walther B.
Short communication: Dairy consumption among middle-aged and elderly adults in Switzerland.
Journal of Dairy Science, 97, (9), 2014, 1-6.

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