Publication List

Publications Paolo Silacci

Girard M., Dohme-Meier F., Silacci P., Ampuero S., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Forage legumes rich in condensed tannins may increase n-3 fatty acid levels and sensory quality of lamb meat.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96, 2016, 1923-1933.

Dufey P.-A., Messadène-Chelali J., Silacci P.
Fleischrinder auf der Alp – Molkeverzehr und Fleischqualität: Serie LACTOBEEF.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (1), 2016, 30-39.
other Languages: french

Schwendimann L., Guggisberg D., Freiburghaus C., Silacci P., Scherrer D., Stoffers H.
Influence of storage time of raw material on color and lipid oxidation of cooked sausage.
In: 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. 23-28th August, Publ. INRA, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2015, 198-201.

Ghaye J., Succa C., Demarchi D., Muldur S.K., Colpo P., Silacci P., Vergères G., De Micheli G., Carrara S.
Quantitative estimation of biological cell surface receptors by segmenting conventional fluorescence microscopy images.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 1-5 June, Melbourne VIC. 2014, 1824-1827.

Huang C., Ramadan Q., Wacker J.B., Tekin H.C., Ruffert C., Vergères G., Silacci P., Gijs M.A.M.
Microfluidic chip for monitoring Ca2+ transport through a confluent layer of intestinal cells.
RSC Advances, 4, 2014, 52887-52891.

Gangnat L.D.M., Kreuzer M., Silacci P., Dufey P.-A., Leiber F., Bérard J.
Influence de la topographie des pâturages alpins sur les fibres musculaires du veau en système allaitant.
In: 15ème Journée Science du Muscle et Technologies des Viandes. 4-5 novembre, Publ. JSMTV, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2014, 143-144.

Grosse-Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Silacci P., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.
LegumePlus: Einfluss bioaktiver Substanzen in Leguminosen auf N-Bilanz bei Milchkühen.
In: Nutztiertagung Agroscope. 1. Oktober, Publ. Agridea und Agroscope, Posieux. 2014, 1-26.
other Languages: french

Gutzwiller A., Silacci P., Gafner J.-L.
Zearalenon im Harn als Biomarker für die Zearalenonaufnahme durch das Schwein.
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 37, 2014, 83-85.

Ramadan Q., Jafarpoorchekab H., Huang C., Silacci P., Carrara S., Koklü G., Ghaye J., Ramsden J., Ruffert C., Vergères G., Gijs M.A.M.
NutriChip: nutrition analysis meets microfluidics.
Lab on a Chip, 13, (2), 2013, 196-203.

Ghaye J., Kamat M.A., Corbino-Giunta L., Silacci P., Vergères G., De Micheli G., Carrara S.
Image thresholding techniques for localization of sub-resolution fluorescent biomarkers.
Cytometry Part A, 83, (11), 2013, 1001-1016.

Ineichen S., Münger A., Zeitz J.O., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F.
Einflüsse auf Fermentation, Mikroflora und Transportproteine im Pansen von Milchkühen bei Fütterung von Zuckerreichem Heu.
ETH-Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 36, 2013, 101-103.

Ineichen S., Münger A., Zeitz J.O., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F.
Influence of hay rich in sugar on the ruminal microbial profile and the physiological processes in the rumen wall of dairy cows.
In: Frühjahrstagung 2013. 19. März, Publ. Schweizerische Verienigung für Tierproduktion, Posieux. 2013, 20-20.

Vergères G., Bogicevic B., Buri C., Carrara S., Chollet M., Corbino-Giunta L., Egger C., Gille D., Kopf-Bolanz K., Laederach K., Portmann R., Ramadan Q., Ramsden J., Schwander F., Silacci P. and others
The NutriChip project – translating technology into nutritional knowledge.
British Journal of Nutrition, 108, (5), 2012, 762-768.

Ramadan Q., Jafarpoorchekab H., Bolanz K., Schwander F., Egger C., Portmann R., Silacci P., Carrara S., Ramsden J., Vergères G., Gijs M.A.M.
Nutrichip: an integrated microfluidic system for in vitro investigation of the immunemodulatory function of dairy products.
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS). October 2-6, Seattle, Washington, USA. 2011, 650-652.

Dufey P.-A., Silacci P., Messadène-Chelali J.
Relationship between shear forces, level of satisfaction and the price of beefsteak in Switzerland.
In: Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. 5-8 September, Publ. University of Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. 2010, 2.080.

Dufey P.-A., Silacci P., Dougoud B.
Monitoring zur Zartheit von Rindfleisch in der Schweiz: Erste Erhebung.
In: ALP-Tagung 2010. 1. Oktober 2010, Publ. ALP, Posieux. 2010, 1-20.
other Languages: french

Hugenschmidt, G., Hadorn, R., Scheeder, M., Silacci P., Scherrer D., Wenk, C.
The effects of early post-mortem pH and ultimate pH on level and amount of destructured zones in cooked cured hams.
Meat Science, 85, 2010, 632-639.

Hadorn R., Beutler E., Schlüchter S., Eberhard P., Silacci P., Scherrer D.
Einsatz von Schweinsrüssel in Saucissons vaudois.
Agrarforschung, 16, (11-12), 2009, 460-465.

Hugenschmidt, G., Hadorn, R., Guggisberg, D., Silacci, P., Scherrer, D., Haldimann, M., Scheeder, M., Wenk, C.
Destructurations in cooked cured ham.
Fleischwirtschaft International, (2), 2009, 55-59.
other Languages: german | altra lingua

Dufey P.-A., Messadene-Chelali J., Silacci P., Collomb M.
PASTO: Qualität von Rindfleisch aus dem Berggebiet.
Agrarforschung, 16, (8), 2009, 314-319.
other Languages: french

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