Publication List

Publications Benjamin Dainat

Guichard M., von Virag A., Droz B., Dainat B.
Bremsen eingetragene Varroamilben die Selektion resistenter Bienen?
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 10, 2024, 15-18.
other Languages: french

Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Kast C., Dainat B., Droz B., Grossar D., Jeker L.
Activités du CRA durant les années 2022 et 2023.
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 8, 2024, 304-312.

Dietemann V., Beaurepaire A., Charrière J.-D., Dainat B.
Social immunity against Melissococcus plutonius, a brood pathogen of honeybees.
In: European meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). 7-11 July, Publ. IUSSI, Lausanne. 2024, 82.

Dietemann V., Xie Y., Liu Y., Zheng H., Dainat B.
Recapping behavior in Apis cerana: Does it contribute to resistance against Varroa spp.?
Journal of Apicultural Research, 63, (5), 2024, 833-839.

Guzman-Novoa E., Morfin N., Dainat B., Williams G.R., van der Steen J., Correa-Benitez A., Delaplane K.S.
Standard methods to estimate strength parameters, flight activity, comb construction, and fitness of Apis mellifera colonies 2.0.
Journal of Apicultural Research, In Press, 2024, 1-22.

Guichard M., Dainat B., Dietemann V.
Natürliche Selektion - ein Wundermittel gegen die Varroamilbe?
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 9, 2023, 23-27.

Ory F., Dietemann V., Guisolan A., Von Ah U., Fleuti C., Oberhaensli S., Charrière J.-D., Dainat B.
Paenibacillus melissococcoides sp. nov., isolated from a honey bee colony affected by European foulbrood disease.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73, (4), 2023, 1-10.

Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Dainat B.
Leitfaden Bienengesundheit des Zentrums für Bienenforschung.
Agroscope Transfer, 502, 2023.
other Languages: french | italian

Dainat B., Oberhaensli S., Ory F., Dietemann V.
New reference genomes of honey bee-associated bacteria Paenibacillus melissococcoides, Paenibacillus dendritiformis, and Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus.
Microbiology Resource Announcements, 12, (9), 2023, 1-4.

Guichard M., Dainat B., Dietemann V.
La sélection naturelle – une solution miracle face au varroa?
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 144, (7), 2023, 287-292.

Guichard M., Dainat B., Dietemann V.
Prospects, challenges and perspectives in harnessing natural selection to solve the ‘varroa problem’ of honey bees.
Evolutionary Applications, 16, (3), 2023, 593-608.

Gmel A., Guichard M., Dainat B., Rhys Williams G., Eynard S., Vignal A., Servin B., the Beestrong Consortium, Neuditschko M.
Identification of runs of homozygosity in Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) using whole-genome sequencing data.
Ecology and Evolution, 13, (1), 2023, 1-13.

Guichard M., Phocas F., Neuditschko M., Basso B., Dainat B.
An overview of selection concepts applied to honey bees.
Bee World, 100, (1), 2023, 2-8.

Guichard M., von Virag A., Dainat B.
Evaluating the potential of brood recapping to select varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) resistant honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae).
Journal of Economic Entomology, 116, (1), 2023, 56-67.

Eynard S., Vignal A., Agez Y., Basso B., Bouchez O., Bulach T., Le Conte Y., Dainat B., Decourtye L., Guichard M., Guillaume F., Labarthe E., Mahla R., Mondet F., Neuditschko M. and others
Statistics for an accurate genome wide association study on Varroa resistance trait in a French honeybee.
In: Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP). Publ. R.F. Veerkamp and Y. de Haas, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2022, 2568-2571.

von Virag A., Guichard M., Neuditschko M., Dietemann V., Dainat B.
Unterdrückte Milbenvermehrung als Selektionsmerkmal?
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 11, 2022, 14-16.
other Languages: french

de la Harpe M., Guetlin A., Chiang C., Dietemann V., Dainat B.
Influence of honey bee nutritive jelly type and dilution on its bactericidal effect on Melissococcus plutonius, the etiological agent of european foulbrood.
Microbial Ecology, 2022, 1-7.

Ory F., Duchemin V., Kilchenmann V., Charrière J.-D., Dainat B., Dietemann V.
Can trans-generational immune priming be used to protect honey bees against European foulbrood.
In: EurBee 9 – 9th European Congress of Apidology. 20-22 September, Publ. EurBee, Belgrade. 2022, 97.

Ameline C., Beaurepaire A., Ory F., de la Harpe M., Dainat B., Dietemann V.
Differential resistance across paternal genotypes of honey bee brood to the pathogenic bacterium Melissococcus plutonius.
Journal of Applied Entomology, online, (6 October), 2022, 1-9.

von Virag A., Guichard M., Neuditschko M., Dietemann V., Dainat B.
Suppressed mite reproduction SMR: An efficient tool to select Varroa destructor resistant honey bee?
In: 69. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V. 5. - 7. April, Publ. Universität Hohenheim, Bad Überkingen-Oberböhringen. 2022.

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