Berger T., Badertscher R., Egger C.
Jahresbericht NRL - Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP), 2020: Bericht z.H. BLV und ERFA.
Agroscope. 31.01., 2023.
Berger T., Egger C., Fleuti C.
Jahresbericht NRL: Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP).
Agroscope. 31.01., 2023, 7 pp.
Marques de Sousa A. R., Recio I., Heimo D., Dubois S., Moughan P. J., Hodgkinson S. M., Portmann R., Egger C.
In vitro digestibility of dietary proteins and in vitro DIAAS analytical workflow based on the INFOGEST static protocol and its validation with in vivo data.
Food Chemistry, 404, 2023, 1-11.
Berger T., Badertscher R., Egger C., Fleuti C.
Jahresbericht NRL: Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP).
Agroscope. 31.01., 2022, 7 pp.
Brügger C., Descloux-Kaeser L., Widmer J., Berger T., Jäger M. L., Egger C.
Direct labeling of milk cells without centrifugation for counting total and differential somatic cells using flow cytometry.
Journal of Dairy Science, 105, (11), 2022, 8705-8717.
Walther B., Guggisberg D., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Dubois S., Haldimann M., Kopf-Bolanz K., Rhyn P., Zoller O., Veraguth R., Rezzi S.
Comparison of nutritional composition between plant-based drinks and cow’s milk.
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 2022, 1-17.
Marques de Sousa A. R., Recio I., Hodgkinson S., Portmann R., Egger C.
Standardization of in vitro digestibility and DIAAS method based on the static INFOGEST protocol: in vitro digestibility.
In: International Conference on Food Digestion. 3-5 May, Publ. ICFD, Cork. 2022, 1-17.
Reiche A.-M., Martin Hernandez C., Dohme-Meier F., Portmann R., Egger C.
Milk composition of dairy cows: Influences of beta-casein genotype and horn status.
In: Oral and Poster Abstracts of the 18th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society. 2022, Publ. Metabolomics Society. 2022, 251.
Reiche A.-M., Martin Hernandez C., Dohme-Meier F., Portmann R., Egger C.
Milk composition of dairy cows - influences of beta-casein genotype and horn status.
In: 18th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society. 20. Juni, Publ. Metabolomics Society, Valencia. 2022.
Stoffers H., Peter M., Bachmann H.-P., Egger C., Dubois S., Guggenbühl B.
Caractérisation d'une alternative végétale aux fromages à base de matières premières suisses.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 12, 2021, 164-171.
Häni W., Winkler H., Haldemann J., Egger C.
Ergebnisse Erhebung Milchsäure und LAP in Käse.
In: Beratertagung. 26.10., Liebefeld - Agroscope. 2021.
Wechsler D., Fehér N., Haldemann J., Meola M., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Guggenbühl B., Dreier M., Shani N., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Arias E., Schmidt R.
Charakterisierung von Walliser Raclette GUB.
Agroscope Science, 115, 2021.
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Palumbo F., Bee G., Trevisi P., Badertscher R., Egger C., Girard M.
The level of hemicelluloses in lactating sow diets affects milk composition.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, No 27. 30.08 - 03.09, Publ. EAAP, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2021, 186.
Palumbo F., Bee G., Trevisi P., Badertscher R., Egger C., Girard M.
Effect of decreasing levels of hemicelluloses in lactating sow’s diet on milk composition and offspring development.
In: ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung. 11. Mai, Publ. M.Kreuzer, T. Lanzini, A. Liesegang, R. Bruckmaier, J. Bérard, S.E. Ulbrich, Online. 2021, 159-161.
Clawin-Rädecker I., De Block J., Egger C., Willis C., Da Silva Felicio M. T., Messens W.
The use of alkaline phosphatase and possible alternative testing to verify pasteurisation of raw milk, colostrum, dairy and colostrum-based products.
EFSA Journal, 19, (4), 2021, 1-73.
Martin Hernandez M. d. C., Burnand D., Jud Khan C., Portmann R., Egger C.
Interaction of magnetic silica nanoparticles with food proteins during in vitro digestion: Interaction of magnetic silica nanoparticles with food proteins during in vitro digestion.
LWT-Food Science and Technology, 152, (112303), 2021.
Egger C., Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R.
Analytical methods to compare the quality of plant and animal-based protein sources: in vitro digestibility.
In: Post conference symposium Environmental Sustainability of Food Systems and Diets, Helsinki, Virtual. 25.03, Virtuell. 2021, 1-27.
Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Recio I., Egger C.
Protein digestibility and DIAAS values: in vitro method using the harmonized INFOGEST protocol validated towards in vivo data: in vitro DIAAS.
In: Virtual International Conference on Food Digestion. 29.04., Virtuell. 2021, 1-15.
Widmer J., Berger T., Egger C.
Antoinette (DNA and Antibody Stained Total and Differential Somatic Cell counting in Milk using Flow Cytometry) project – Somatic cell count and differentiation in raw milk using flow cytometry.
IDF/ICAR. Newsletter 8, May, 2021, 8-9 pp.
Bär C., Sutter M., Neuhaus P., Kopp C., Portmann R., Egger C., Reidy B., Bisig W.
Einfluss von Wiesenfutter und Rasse auf Fettsäuren und Milchproteine.
In: Liebefelder Milchtagung. 25. Februar, Publ. Agroscope, Liebefeld-streamed via MS Teams. 2021, 1-21.
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