Publication List

Publications Reto Portmann

Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Pralong F. P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
The postprandial metabolome — a source of Nutritional Biomarkers of Health.
Current Opinion in Food Science, 16, 2017, 67-73.

Joubran Y., Moscovici A., Portmann R., Lesmes U.
Implications of the Maillard reaction on bovine alpha-lactalbumin and its proteolysis during in vitro infant digestion.
Food & Function, 8, 2017, 2295-2308.

Egger L., Schlegel P., Baumann C., Stoffers H., Guggisberg D., Brügger C., Dürr D., Stoll P., Vergères G., Portmann R.
Physiological comparability of the harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method to in vivo pig digestion.
Food Research International, 102, 2017, 567-574.

Chollet M., Guggisberg D., Portmann R., Risse M.-C., Walther B.
Determination of menaquinone production by Lactococcus spp. and propionibacteria in cheese.
International Dairy Journal, 75, (December), 2017, 1-9.

Bohn T., Carriere F., Day L., Deglaire A., Egger L., Freitas D., Golding M., Le Feunteun S., Macierzanka A., Menard O., Miralles B., Moscovici A., Portmann R., Recio I., Rémond D. and others
Correlation between in vitro and in vivo data on food digestion. What can we predict with static in vitro digestion models?
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutriton, online, (June 14), 2017, 1-48.

Sutter M., Bär C., Egger C., Portmann R., Bisig W., Reidy B.
Einfluss des Fütterungssystems auf die Zusammensetzung der Milch und die Futterautonomie.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 29, 2017, 25-26.

Levi C. S., Goldstein N., Portmann R., Lesmes U.
Emulsion and protein degradation in the elderly: Qualitative insights from a study coupling a dynamic in vitro digestion model with proteomic analyses.
Food Hydrocolloids, 69, 2017, 393-401.

Egger C., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M.J., Le Feunteun S. and others
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: from knowledge to action.
Food Research International, 88, (Part B), 2016, 217-225.

Ascone P., Maurer J., Haldemann J., Irmler S., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Portmann R., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T., Wechsler D.
Prevalence and diversity of histamine-forming Lactobacillus parabuchneri strains in raw milk and cheese - A case study.
International Dairy Journal, online, (2 December), 2016, 1-8.

Bär C., Sutter M., Portmann R., Egger L., Reidy B., Bisig W.
Wiesenmilch – Inhaltsstoffe und Ökologie.
In: Nationale Bioforschungstagung. 2. Dezember, Publ. Agroscope, Zürich-Reckenholz. 2016, 1.

Bogicevic B., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Portmann R., Bavanantharajah T., Meile L., Irmler S.
Cysteine biosynthesis in Lactobacillus casei: identification and characterization of a serine acetyltransferase.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 363, (4), 2016, 1-7.

Suter M., Bär C., Egger C., Portmann R., Bisig W., Reidy B.
Einfluss des Fütterungssystems auf die Fett- und Proteinzusammensetzung der Milch.
In: 59. Jahrestagung der AGGF. 27. – 29. August, Publ. Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Baden-Württemberg für Viehhaltung, Grünlandwirtschaft, Milchwirtschaft, Milch und Fischerei (LAZBW), Aulendorf. 2015, 156-159.

Egger L., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M. J., Le Feunteun S. and others
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action.
Food Research International, online, (8 December), 2015, 1-9.

Egger L., Stoffers H., Vergères G., Portmann R.
In vitro Digestion of Food: Validation of the INFOGEST consensus protocol.
In: Integrative Food and Nutrition Center Event. 23rd September, Publ. EPFL, Lausanne. 2015, 1.

Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K. A., Buri C., Portmann R., Egger L., Chollet M., McTernan P. G., Piya M. K., Gijs M. A. M., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Laederach K., Vergères G.
A dose-response strategy reveals differences between normal-weight and obese men in their metabolic and inflammatory responses to a high-fat meal.
The Journal of Nutrition, 144, (10), 2014, 1517-1523.

Bisig W., Bär C., Sutter M., Reidy B., Egger C., Portmann R.
Einfluss der Fütterung auf die Zusammensetzung der Milchinhaltsstoffe.
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau, 16, 2014, 32-42.

Kopf-Bolanz K., Schwander F., Gijs M., Vergères G., Portmann R., Egger L.
Impact of milk processing on the generation of peptides during digestion.
International Dairy Journal, 35, (2), 2014, 130-138.

Bär C., Mathis D., Sutter M., Spahni M., Gauch R., Bisig W., Egger L., Portmann R.
Fatty acids and protein composition of milk produced under different feeding regime-“We eat what we feed”.
In: Max Rubner Conference "Health aspects of milk and dairy products". 7-9 Octobre, Publ. Max Rubner-Institut, Karlsruhen. 2013, 1.
other Languages: german

Bär C., Kopf-Bolanz K., Schwander F., Vergères G., Egger L., Portmann R.
Characterization of standard milk protein samples for the evaluation of in-vitro digestion models.
In: 2nd International Conference on Food Digestion. 6-8 March, Publ. COST Action FA 1005 Infogest, Madrid. 2013, 1.

Bogicevic B., Fuchsmann P., Breme K., Portmann R., Guggenbühl B., Irmler S.
A preliminary study on the effect of Lactobacillus casei expressing cstathionine lyase1/cystathionine lyase2 on Cheddar cheese and the formation of sulphur-containing compounds.
International Dairy Journal, (33), 2013, 97-103.

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