Publication List

Publications Stefan Mann

von Ow A., Mann S.
Covid-19 und Ernährungssicherheit: Lehren aus historischen Krisen.
Agroscope Science, 103, 2020.

Mack G., Möhring A., von Ow A., Ferjani A., Mann S.
Modellprojektionen mit SWISSland zur AP22+. Technischer Bericht.
Agroscope Science, 97, 2020.

Zantsi S., Mack G., Mann S.
Cultural innovation, aspirations and success among smallholders in former homelands of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: Theory and Evidence.
International Journal of Social Economics, online, (23 February), 2020, 1-19.

Mack G., Ferjani A., Möhring A., von Ow A., Mann S.
How did farmers act? Ex-post validation of linear and positive mathematical programming approaches for farm-level models implemented in an agent-based agricultural sector model.
Bio-based and Applied Economics, 8, (1), 2020, 3-19.

Mann S., Stoinescu A., Nüssli S.-M., Spycher L.
Gemeinschaftsalpen zwischen Allmende und Anreiz.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (6), 2019, 244-249.
other Languages: french

Mann S.
Wie fördern die Kantone ihre Landwirtschaft?
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (9), 2019, 316-321.
other Languages: french

Zantsi S., Mack G., Möhring A., Cloete K., Greyling J., Mann S.
Building an agent-based model for South Africa’s land reform.
In: Agroeconet. 29. October, Publ. ETH, Zürich, CH. 2019, 1-28.

Schmidt A., Mack G., Möhring A., Mann S., El Benni N.
Welche Auswirkungen hätte die Trinkwassserinitiative?
Agroscope, Tänikon. Oktober, 2019, 4 pp.

van Aken A., Mann S.
Pushing or pulling? An institutional analysis of antibiotic usage in dairy farming.
In: Visionen für eine Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik nach 2020. Vol. 54, Publ. Gewisola, Landwirtschaftsverlag. 2019, 165-176.

Mann S., Zaharia I., Reissig L.
Social policy and burnout: A bi-national comparison.
The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society, 9, (4), 2019, 63-75.

Mann S., Beciu S., Arghiroiu G.A.
Farm animals against open borders: uncovering discrepancies between narratives and evidence regarding actors and motives in the animal trade.
Ciência Rural, 49, (3), 2019, 1-9.

Mann S., Reinert M., Botelho Pain G., Noveli M.
Children’s snacks, their ads and consumer sovereignty.
Forum for Social Economics, 48, (3), 2019, 264-280.

Mann S., Logatcheva K., van Gallen M., Rau M.-L.
Brot, Joghurt und Schinken: Der Mehrpreis steckt im Detailhandel.
Die Volkswirtschaft, 3, 2019, 20-24.

Cerca M., Mann S.
Warum ist Tierfutter in der Schweiz so teuer?
Die Volkswirtschaft, 3, 2019, 16-19.

Schmidt A., Mack G., Möhring A., Mann S., El Benni N.
Stricter cross-compliance standards in Switzerland: Economic and environmental impacts at farm- and sector-level.
Agricultural Systems, 176, 2019, 1-22.

Schmidt A., Mack G., Möhring A., Mann S., El Benni N.
Folgenabschätzung Trinkwasserinitiative: ökonomische und agrarstrukturelle Wirkungen.
Agroscope Science, 83, 2019.
other Languages: french | italian

Janker J., Mann S., Rist S.
The sustainable agricultural social system. A social science framework to grasp the diversity of farming systems for sustainability assessment.
In: XXVIII Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology. 26.06., Ruralis, Trondheim. 2019.

Janker J., Mann S., Rist S.
Social sustainability in agriculture – A system-based framework.
Journal of Rural Studies, 65, 2019, 32-42.

Janker J., Mann S., Rist S.
What is sustainable agriculture? Critical analysis of the international political discourse.
Sustainability, 10, (12), 2018, 1-19.

Mann S.
Is work satisfaction dependent on wage levels? Insights from a cross-country study.
International Journal of Happiness and Development, 4, (4), 2018, 317-326.

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