Publication List

Publications Beat Wechsler

Keil Strässle N., Aschwanden J., Gygax L., Wechsler B.
Trennwände und unterschiedliche Ebenen am Fressplatz mindern Aggressionen zwischen Ziegen.
Landtechnik, (6), 2009, 439-441.

Weber R., Burri, M., Gygax L., Wechsler B.
Einfluss der Raumtemperatur und der Qualität des Nestbaumaterials auf das Auftreten gefährlicher Situationen für Ferkel in Abferkelbuchten mit frei beweglicher Muttersau.
In: 9. Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung. 2009, Publ. KTBL, Berlin. 2009, 119-124.

Gygax L., Neisen, Gesa, Wechsler B.
Erstkalbende in Milchviehherden eingliedern: Paare haben es leichter als Einzeltiere.
ART-Bericht, (715), 2009, 1-8.
other Languages: french

Helmreich, S., Wechsler B., Jungbluth, T. , Hauser R.
Validation of a novel data logger for recording lying behaviour of dairy cows and its application on robotic milking farms.
In: 43rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. 6-10 July 2009, Publ. ISAE, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia. 2009.

Reefmann, N., Wechsler B., Gygax L.
Positive and negative emotion in sheep: behavioural and physiological correlates.
In: 43rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. 6 -10 July 2009, Publ. ISAE, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia. 2009.

Reefmann, N., Wechsler B., Gygax L.
Behavioural and physiological assessment of positive and negative emotion in sheep.
Animal Behaviour, 78, 2009, 651-659.

Keil Strässle N., Aschwanden J., Gygax L., Wechsler B.
Trennwände und unterschiedliche Ebenen am Fressplatz mindern aggressive Auseinandersetzungen bei Ziegen.

Janine Aschwanden, Lorenz Gygax, Beat Wechsler, Nina Maria Keil
Structural modifications at the feeding place: Effects of partitions and platforms on feeding and social behaviour of goats.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 119, 2009, 180-192.

Janine Aschwanden, Lorenz Gygax, Beat Wechsler, Nina Maria Keil
Loose housing of small goat groups: Influence of visual cover and elevated levels on feeding, resting and agonistic behaviour.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 119, 2009, 171-179.

Janine Aschwanden Leibundgut, Beat Wechsler, Nina Maria Keil
Détention des chèvres en stabulation libre en petits groupes. Moins d'agressions grâce à une meilleure structuration.
Technique Agricole, 8, 2009, 39-0.

Milena Burri, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax, Roland Weber
Influence of straw length, sow behaviour and room temperature on the incidence of dangerous situations for piglets in a loose farrowing system.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117, 2009, 181-189.

Lorenz Gygax, Gesa Neisen, Beat Wechsler
Differences between single and paired heifers in residency in functional areas, length of travel path, and area used throughout days 1-6 after integration into a free stall dairy herd.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 120, 2009, 49-55.

Helge Christiane Haufe, Lorenz Gygax, Beat Steiner, Katharina Friedli, Markus Stauffacher, Beat Wechsler
Influence of floor type in the walking area of cubicle housing systems on the behaviour of dairy cows.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116, 2009, 21-27.

Gesa Neisen, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax
Choice of scan-sampling intervals - an example with quantifying neighbours in dairy cows.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116, (2), 2009, 134-140.

Gesa Neisen, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax
Effects of the introduction of single heifers or pairs of heifers into dairy-cow herds on the temporal and spatial associations of heifers and cows.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 119, 2009, 127-136.

Nadine Reefmann, Franziska Bütikofer Kaszas, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax
Ear and tail postures as indicators of emotional valence in sheep.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118, 2009, 199-207.

Nadine Reefmann, Franziska Bütikofer Kaszàs, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax
Physiological expression of emotional reactions in sheep.
Physiology & Behavior, 98, 2009, 235-241.

Pascal Savary, Lorenz Gygax, Beat Wechsler, Rudolf Hauser
Effect of a synthetic plate in the lying area on lying behaviour, degree of fouling and skin lesions at the leg joints of finishing pigs.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118, 2009, 20-27.

Janine Aschwanden, Lorenz Gygax, Beat Wechsler, Nina Maria Keil
Sozialverhalten von Milchziegen in kleinen Gruppen und Folgerungen für die Strukturierung eines Laufstalls.

Nadine Reefmann, Beat Wechsler, Lorenz Gygax
Use of behavioural and physiological measures for assessing positive emotion in sheep.

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