Publication List

Publications Thomas Bucheli

Christian Bogdal, Peter Schmid, Martin Kohler, Claudia E. Müller, Saverio Iozza, Thomas D. Bucheli, Martin Scheringer, Konrad Hungerbühler
Sediment record and atmospheric deposition of brominated flame retardants and organochlorine compounds in lake Thun, Switzerland. Lessons from the past and evaluation of the present.
Environmental Science & Technology, 42, (18), 2008, 6817-6822.

Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas D. Bucheli, Stefan Ammann, André Desaules, Armin Keller, Franziska Blum, Werner A. Stahel
Critical evaluation of PAH source apportionment tools using data fromt he Swiss soil monitoring network.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 10, 2008, 1278-1286.

Thomas D. Bucheli, Felix E. Wettstein, Niccolo Hartmann, Marianne Erbs, Susanne Vogelgsang, Hans-Rudolf Forrer, René P. Schwarzenbach
Fusarium mycotoxines: overlooked aquatic micropollutants?
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 2008, 1029-1034.

André Desaules, Stefan Ammann, Franziska Blum, Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas D. Bucheli, Armin Keller
PAH and PCB in soils of Switzerland - status and critical review.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 10, 2008, 1265-1277.

Hans-Rudolf Forrer, Andreas Hecker, Eveline Jenny, Thomas D. Bucheli, Felix E. Wettstein, Susanne Vogelgsang
Control of Fusarium graminearum with antifungal plant preparations and their effect on mycotoxin contamination of wheat.
Journal of Plant Pathology, 90, 2008, 0-0.

Niccolo Hartmann, Marianne Erbs, Felix E. Wettstein, Corinne C. Hoerger, René P. Schwarzenbach, Thomas D. Bucheli
Quantification of Zearalenone in Various Solid Agroenvironmental Samples Using D6-Zearalenone as the Internal Standard.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, (9), 2008, 2926-2932.

Martina Kobližková, Ladislav Dušek, Jici Jarkovský, Jakub Hofman, Thomas D. Bucheli, Jana Klánová
Can physicochemical and microbial soil properties explain enantiomeric shifts of chiral organochlorines?
Environmental Science & Technology, 42, (16), 2008, 5978-5984.

Thomas Kupper, Rahel Brändli, Mandy Pohl, Thomas D. Bucheli, Kristin Becker-van Slooten
Organische Schadstoffe in Kompost und Gärgut der Schweiz.
Agrarforschung, 15, (6), 2008, 270-275.

Thomas Kupper, Thomas D. Bucheli
Sur la trace des substances nocives. Les composts, les fermentats et les jus de pressage.
Revue UFA - UFA Revue, 11, 2008, 11-12.

Thomas Kupper, Thomas D. Bucheli, Rahel C. Brändli, Didier Ortelli, Patrick Edder
Dissipation of pesticides during composting and anaerobic digestion of source-separated organic waste at full-scale plants.
Bioresource Technology, 99, 2008, 7988-7994.

Hartmann N., Erbs M., Wettstein F., Schwarzenbach R.P., Bucheli T.
Quantification of estrogenic mycotoxins at the ng/L level in aqueous environmental samples using deuterated internal standards.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1138, 2007, 132-140.

Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas Daniel Bucheli, Thomas Kupper, Reinhard Furrer, Werner A. Stahel, Franz X. Stadelmann, Joseph Tarradellas
Organic pollutants in compost and digestate. Part 1. Polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and molecular markers.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 2007, 1-9.

Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas Daniel Bucheli, Thomas Kupper, Jochen Mayer, Franz X. Stadelmann, Joseph Tarradellas
Fate of PCBs, PAHs and their source characteristic ratios during composting and digestion of source-separated organic waste in full-scale plants.
Environmental Pollution, 148, 2007, 520-528.

Marianne Erbs, Niccolo Hartmann, Thomas Daniel Bucheli
Determination of the cross-reactivities for a-Zearalenol, B-Zearalenol, Zearalanone, a-Zearalanol, and B-Zearalanol on three commercial immunoaffinity columns targeting Zearalenone.
Journal of AOAC International, 90, (4), 2007, 1197-1202.

Marianne Erbs, Corinne C. Hoerger, Niccolo Hartmann, Thomas Daniel Bucheli
Quantification of six phytoestrogens at the nanogram per liter level in aqueous environmental samples using 13C3-labeled internal standards.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 2007, 8339-8345.

Katja Knauer, Anna Sobek, Thomas Daniel Bucheli
Reduced toxicity of diuron to the freshwater green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata in the presence of black carbon.
Aquatic Toxicology, 83, 2007, 143-148.

Bernd Nowak, Thomas Daniel Bucheli
Occurence, behavior and effects of nanoparticles in the environment.
Environmental Pollution, 150, 2007, 5-22.

Thomas Kupper, Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas Daniel Bucheli, Carine Stämpfli, Markus Zennegg, Urs Berger, Patrick Edder, Mandy Pohl, Fode Niang, Saverio Iozza, Christian Schaffner, Peter Schmid, Kristin Becker van Slooten, Michael Oehme, Jochen Mayer
Organic pollutants in compost and digestate: occurrence, fate and impacts.

Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas Daniel Bucheli, Thomas Kupper, Franz X. Stadelmann, Joseph Tarradellas
Optimised accelerated solvent extraction of PCBs and PAHs from compost.
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 86, (7), 2006, 505-525.

Rahel C. Brändli, Thomas Daniel Bucheli, Thomas Kupper, Franz X. Stadelmann, Joseph Tarradellas
Can sources of environmental contamination with phas be identified in recipient matrices by concomitant analysis of molecular markers?
Organohalogen Compounds, 68, 2006, 292-295.

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