Publication List

Publications Philippe Jeanneret

Aviron, S., Nitsch, H., Jeanneret P., Buholzer Hons S., Luka, H., Pfiffner, L., Pozzi, S., Schüpbach B., Walter T., Herzog F.
Ecological cross compliance promotes farmland biodiversity in Switzerland.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, (5), 2009, 247-252.

Jeanneret P., Walter T., Herzog F.
Environmental heterogeneity helps farmers to make agri-environment schemes more effective as illustrated by multiple diversity components of spider assemblages.
In: 9th Annual Conference "Dimensions of ecology: from global change to molecular ecology". 14th -18th September 2009, University of Bayreuth. GfÖ. 2009.

Dennis, P., Arndorfer, M., Balázs, K., Bailey D., Boller B., Bunce, R. G. H., Centeri, C., Corporaal, A., Cuming, D., Deconchat, M., Dramstad, W., Elyakime, B., Falusi, E., Fjellstad, W., Fraser, M. D. and others
Conceptual foundations for biodiversity indicator selection for organic and low-input farming systems: Deliverable 2.1 .

Jürg Hiltbrunner, C. Scherrer, Bernhard Streit, Philippe Jeanneret, Urs Zihlmann, R. Tschachtli
Long-term weed community dynamics in Swiss organic and integrated farming systems.
Weed Research, 48, 2008, 360-369.

Dorothea Kampmann, Felix Herzog, Philippe Jeanneret, W. Konold, Markus Peter, Thomas Walter, O. Wildi, Andreas Lüscher
Mountain grassland biodiversity. Impact of site conditions versus management type.
Journal for Nature Conservation, 16, 2008, 12-25.

Markus Peter, P. J. Edwards, Philippe Jeanneret, Dorothea Kampmann, Andreas Lüscher
Changes over three decades in the floristic composition of fertile permanent grasslands in the Swiss Alps.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 125, 2008, 204-212.

Philippe Jeanneret, Daniel U. Baumgartner, Ruth Freiermuth Knuchel, Gérard Gaillard
Integration of biodiversity as impact category for LCA in agriculture (SALCA-Biodiversity).
In: -. Publ. -, -. 2008.

Aviron S., Jeanneret P., Schüpbach B., Herzog F.
Effects of agri-environmental measures, site and landscape conditions on butterfly diversity of Swiss grassland.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 122, 2007, 295-304.

Philippe Jeanneret, Olivier Huguenin-Elie, Thomas Nemecek
Extensive genutzten Weiden in Ökobilanzen. Beurteilung der Biodiversität.

Stéphanie Aviron, Felix Herzog, Iris Klaus, H. Luka, L. Pfiffner, Beatrice Schüpbach, Philippe Jeanneret
Effects of Swiss agri-environmental measures on arthropod biodiversity in arable landscapes.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 81, 2007, 101-109.

Jürg Hiltbrunner, Philippe Jeanneret, Markus Liedgens, Peter Stamp, Bernhard Streit
Response of weed communities to legume living mulches in winter wheat.
Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science, 193, 2007, 93-102.

Philippe Jeanneret, Olivier Huguenin-Elie, Daniel Baumgartner, Ruth Freiermuth Knuchel, Gérard Gaillard, Thomas Nemecek, Patrick Weibel
Estimation of grassland management impact on biodiversity.
Grassland Science in Europe, 12, 2007, 382-385.

Felix Herzog, Serge Buholzer, Suzanne Dreier, Gabriela Hofer, Philippe Jeanneret, Lukas Pfiffner, Thomas Poiger, Volker Prasuhn, Walter Richner, Beatrice Schüpbach, Ernst Spiess, M. Spiess, Thomas Walter, Michael Winzeler
Das Agrar-Umweltprogramm un der Schweiz. Wirkung auf Biodiversität und Wasserqualität.
Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 403, 2006, 7-0.

Markus Hohl, Dorothea Kampmann, Markus Peter, Andreas Lüscher, Felix Herzog, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter
Hohe Artenvielfalt in Wiesen und Weiden der Alpen.
Montagna, 02.06.2006, 2006, 15-0.

Philippe Jeanneret, Stéphanie Aviron, Beatrice Schüpbach, Thomas Walter, Felix Herzog
The role of ecological compensation areas on spider assemblages in crop fields in Switzerland.
Bulletin IOBC wprs, 29, (6), 2006, 65-68.

Philippe Jeanneret, Henryk Luka, Lukas Pfiffner, Lisa Eggenschwiler
Laufkäfer und Spinnen in Ökoflächen und Kulturen.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 21-0.

Eric Mosimann, Philippe Jeanneret, Martin Lobsiger, Christian Hofer, Andreas Lüscher
The effect of closing date and type of utilisation in autumn on grass yield in spring.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 25-0.

Markus Hohl, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter
Veränderung von Heuschrecken- und Schmetterlingsgesellschaften in 25 Jahren. Hinweise für Habitatsänderungen in den Alpen.

Philippe Jeanneret, Henryk Luka, Lukas Pfiffner, Lisa Eggenschwiler
Laufkäfer und Spinnen in Ökoflächen und Kulturen.

Pozzi S., Jeanneret P., Luka H., Wermeille E.
Evaluation des mesures de compensation écologique de la région de Nuvilly/Combremont : Synthèse.
Revue suisse d'agriculture, 37, (6), 2005, I-XII.

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