Publication List

Publications Thomas Keller

Naderi-Boldaji M., Kazemzadeh A., Hemmat A., Rostami S., Keller T.
Evolution of soil stress during repeated wheeling as affected by soil water content, wheel load and travel speed.
Soil Research, 56, (2), 2018, 204-214.

Farahani E., Emami H., Keller T., Fotovat A., Khorassani R.
Impact of monovalent cations on soil structure. Part I. Results of an Iranian soil.
International Agrophysics, 32, 2018, 57-67.

Wittwer R., Walder F., Büchi L., Schläppi K., Banerjee S., Hirte J., Mayer J., Colombi T., Keller T., Preschl U., Nemecek T., Seitz S., Schloten T., Loaiza Puerta V., Six J. and others
Bodenfunktionen und Multifunktionalität unter ÖLN-, biologischer und bodenkonservierender Bewirtschaftung.
In: 5. Agroscope-Nachhaltigkeitstagung: Multifunktionelle Böden für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt. 18.01.2018, Reckenholz - Agroscope. 2018, 1-14.

Shi P., Thorlacius S., Keller T., Keller M., Schulin R.
Soil aggregate breakdown in a field experiment with different rainfall intensities and initial soil water contents.
European Journal of Soil Science, 68, (6), 2017, 853-863.

Vennik K., Keller T., Kukk P., Krebstein K., Reintam E.
Soil rut depth prediction based on soil strength measurements on typical Estonian soils.
Biosystems Engineering, 163, 2017, 78-86.

Colombi T., Kirchgessner N., Walter A., Keller T.
Root tip shape governs root elongation rate under increased soil strength.
Plant Physiology, 174, 2017, 2289-2301.

Guimarães R. M. L., Lamandé M., Munkholm L. J., Ball B. C., Keller T.
Opportunities and future directions for visual soil evaluation methods in soil structure research.
Soil and Tillage Research, 173, 2017, 104-113.

Guimarães R. M. L., Keller T., Munkholm L. J., Lamandé M.
Visual soil evaluation and soil compaction research.
Soil and Tillage Research, 173, 2017, 1-3.

Keller T., Colombi T., Ruiz S., Manalili M. P., Rek J., Stadelmann V., Wunderli H., Breitenstein D., Reiser R., Oberholzer H., Schymanski S., Romero-Ruiz A., Linde N., Weisskopf P., Walter A. and others
Long-term soil structure observatory for monitoring post-compaction evolution of soil structure.
Vadose Zone Journal, 16, (4), 2017, 1-16.

Colombi T., Braun S., Keller T., Walter A.
Artificial macropores attract crop roots and enhance plant productivity on compacted soils.
Science of the Total Environment, 574, 2017, 1283-1293.

Schjønning P., McBride R. A., Keller T., Obour P. B.
Predicting soil particle density from clay and soil organic matter contents.
Geoderma, 286, 2017, 83-87.

Chervet A., Sturny W. G., Gut S., Sommer M., Stettler M., Weisskopf P., Keller T.
Charge maximale admissible à la roue - une variable caractéristique utile pour la pratique.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 7, (7-8), 2016, 330-337.

Keller T., Ruiz S., Stettler M., Berli M.
Determining soil stress beneath a tire: Measurements and simulations.
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80, (3), 2016, 541-553.

Chervet A., Sturny W. G., Weisskopf P., Sommer M., Martinez I., Keller T.
Bodenporosität und Gastransport nach 19 Jahren Direktsaat und Pflug.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (5), 2016, 224-231.
other Languages: french

Chervet A., Ramseier L., Sturny W. G., Zuber M., Stettler M., Weisskopf P., Zihlmann U., Martínez I., Keller T.
Erträge und Bodenparameter nach 20 Jahren Direktsaat und Pflug.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (5), 2016, 216-223.
other Languages: french

Martínez I., Chervet A., Weisskopf P., Sturny W. G., Etana A., Stettler M., Forkman J., Keller T.
Two decades of no-till in the Oberacker long-term field experiment: Part I. Crop yield, soil organic carbon and nutrient distribution in the soil profile.
Soil and Tillage Research, 163, 2016, 141-151.

Martínez I., Chervet A., Weisskopf P., Sturny W. G., Rek J., Keller T.
Two decades of no-till in the Oberacker long-term field experiment: Part II. Soil porosity and gas transport parameters.
Soil and Tillage Research, 163, 2016, 130-140.

Naderi-Boldaji M., Weisskopf P., Stettler M., Keller T.
Predicting the relative density from on-the-go horizontal penetrometer measurements at some arable top soils in Northern Switzerland.
Soil and Tillage Research, 159, 2016, 23-32.

Naderi-Boldaji M., Keller T.
Degree of soil compactness is highly correlated with the soil physical quality index S.
Soil and Tillage Research, 159, 2016, 41-46.

Moreira W. H., Tormena C. A., Karlen D. L., Silva Á. P. d., Keller T., Betioli Jr E.
Seasonal changes in soil physical properties under long-term no-tillage.
Soil and Tillage Research, 160, 2016, 53-64.

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