Publication List

Publications Andreas Lüscher

Andreas Lüscher, Olivier Huguenin-Elie
Europaweites Interesse an Klee-Gras-Mischungen.

Markus Peter, Peter Edwards, Andreas Lüscher
Alterations in the vegetation of alpine grassland over three decades.

Daniel Suter, Joseph Lehmann, H. U. Briner, Andreas Lüscher
Sortenvergleich von Lolium multiflorum unter Anbaubedingungen des ökologischen und integrierten Landbaus.

Elaine Wright, J. Connolly, Andreas Lüscher
Catch-up in response to elevated CO2 - a study of genotypes of 12 grassland species. COST Action 852.

Markus Hohl, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter, Andreas Lüscher, Andreas Gigon
Spatial and temporal variation of grasshopper assemblages recorded in 1981-83 and 2002-03 in Grindelwald, Northern Swiss Alps.
Grassland Science in Europe, 10, 2005, 124-127.

Olivier Huguenin-Elie, Sang Mok Sohn, Andreas Lüscher
Grassland management for organic dairy farming.
Journal of the Environment-Friendly Agricultural Research, 6, (2), 2005, 10-28.

Katja Jacot, Andreas Lüscher, Matthias Suter, Josef Nösberger, Ueli A. Hartwig
Significance of legumes for the distribution of plant species in grassland ecosystems at different altitudes in the Alps.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 180, 2005, 1-12.

Daniel Nyfeler, Olivier Huguenin-Elie, Matthias Suter, Emmanuel Frossard, Andreas Lüscher
Yield, botanical composition and nitrogen cycle of grass-clover leys.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 19, 2005, 27-0.

E. Personeni, Andreas Lüscher, P. Loiseau
Rhizosphere activity, grass species and N availability effects on the soil C and N cycles.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 2005, 819-827.

Markus Peter, Daniel Nyfeler, Peter Edwards, Jakob Troxler, Andreas Lüscher
Botanical composition of grassland in the alps as an indicator for changes in management.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 19, 2005, 26-0.

Sandra Siegrist-Maag, Matthias Suter, Andreas Lüscher
Bewirtschaftung und Jakobs-Kreuzkraut - ein Zusammenhang?
Agrarforschung, 12, (9), 2005, 398-403.

Cornel Stutz, Olivier Huguenin-Elie, Andreas Lüscher, Rafael Gago
Kalkstickstoff rettet verunkrautete Wiesen nicht.
Die Grüne, 5, 2005, 17-19.

Hannes Gamper, Markus Peter, Jan Jansa, Andreas Lüscher, Ueli A. Hartwig, Adrian Leuchtmann
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi benefit from 7 years of free air CO2 enrichment in well-fertilized grass and legume monocultures.
Global Change Biology, 10, 2004, 189-199.

Andreas Lüscher, Willy Kessler
Positive Zukunft für Kühe und Bergwiesen.
Geomatik Schweiz, 8, 2004, 510-0.

Josef Nösberger, Herbert Blum, Ueli A. Hartwig, Andreas Lüscher
Pflanzen begasen: der Swiss-Face-Versuch.
Bulletin ETH Zürich, 293, 2004, 28-30.

Á. Helgadóttir, J. Connolly, M. Fothergill, R.P. Collins, C. Porqueddu, Andreas Lüscher, M.T. Sebastià, M. Kreuzer, M. Wachendorf
Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments - COST Action 852. Proceeding.

Dorothea Kampmann, Felix Herzog, Andreas Lüscher, W. Konold
The divergence between ecological and agricultural values - Research in differently managed grassland systems in the Swiss Alps.

Markus Peter, M. Hohl, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter, Andreas Lüscher
Changes of grassland biodiversity over two decades in Grindelwald, northern Swiss Alps. Poster presentation.

Markus Peter, Daniel Nyfeler, Philippe Jeanneret, P.J. Edwards, J. Troxler, Andreas Lüscher
Botanical composition of grassland in the Alps as an indicator for changes in management. Proceeding.

M.K. Schneider, Andreas Lüscher, Emmanuel Frossard, Josef Nösberger
Net primary production and turnover rates of residual biomass in response to pCO2 and N supply. Proceeding.

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