Publication List

Publications Maja Hilber

Freimoser F., Mahler M., McCullough M., Brachmann A. O., Nägeli L., Hilber M., Piel J., Hoffmann S. A., Cai Y.
Heterologous pulcherrimin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae confers inhibitory activity on Botrytis conidiation.
FEMS Yeast Research, 24, 2024, 1-8.

Magoye E., Nägeli L., Bühlmann A., Hilber M., Keller P., Mühlethaler K., Riat A., Schrenzel J., Freimoser F.
Clinical Aureobasidium isolates are more fungicide sensitive than many agricultural isolates.
Microbiology Spectrum, 11, (2), 2023, 1-5.

Bühlmann A., Kammerecker S., Müller L., Hilber M., Perren S., Freimoser F.
Stability of dry and liquid Metschnikowia pulcherrima formulations for biocontrol applications against apple postharvest diseases.
Horticulturae, 7, (11), 2021, 1-16.

Magoye E., Hilber M., Pfister, M., Freimoser F.
Unconventional Yeasts Are Tolerant to Common Antifungals, and Aureobasidium pullulans Has Low Baseline Sensitivity to Captan, Cyprodinil, and Difenoconazole.
Antibiotics, 9, (9), 2020, 1-19.

Magoye E., Pfister M., Hilber M., Freimoser F.
Competition assays to quantify the effect of biocontrol yeasts against plant pathogenic fungi on fruits.
Bio-Protocol, 10, (3), 2020, 1-9.

Hilber M., Schmid M., Ahrens C., Freimoser F.
Competition assays and physiological experiments of soil and phyllosphere yeasts identify Candida subhashii as a novel antagonist of filamentous fungi.
BMC Microbiology, 17, (4), 2017, 1-15.

Freimoser F., Hilber M., Brunisholz R., Drissner D.
Direct identification of Monilinia brown rot fungi on infected fruits by matrix‑assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry.
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 3, (7), 2016, 1-10.

Schweizer S., Hilber M., Widmer H., Naef A.
BIO-Incrop WP2 & WP3: Summary of Trials 2012 - 2014.
In: 4th project meeting Ankara. december, Publ. Core Organic II, Bio-Incrop, Ankara, Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute. 2014, 1.

Jänsch M., Frey J. E., Hilber M., Broggini G.A.L., Weger J., Schnabel G., Patocchi A.
SSR marker analysis of Monilinia fructicola of apricot from Switzerland suggest introduction of the pathogen from neighbouring countries and the United States.
Plant Pathology, 61, 2012, 247-254.

Walsh F., Ingenfeld A., Zampiccoli M., Hilber M., Frey J. E., Duffy B.
Real-time PCR methods for quantitative monitoring of streptomycin and tetracycline resistance genes in agricultural ecosystems.
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 86, 2011, 150-155.

Hilber M., Knorst V., Smits T., Patocchi A.
First Report of Asian Brown rot caused by Monilia polystroma on Apricot in Switzerland.
Plant Disease, 2011.

Weger J., Schanze M., Hilber M., Smits T., Patocchi A.
First Report of the beta-tubulin E198A mutation conferring resistance to methyl benzimidazole carbamates in European isolates of Monilinia fructicola.
Plant Disease, 95, (11), 2011, 497-497.

Hilber M., Bünter M., Patocchi A.
First report of brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola on apricot in a Swiss orchard.
Plant Disease, 94, (5), 2010, 643-643.

Patocchi A, Bünter M, Gerber A, Hilber M
Erstes Auftreten von Monilinia fructicola in einer Schweizer Steinobstanlage.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 145, (9), 2009, 8-11.
other Languages: french

Bosshard E, Buchmann B, Bünter M, Hilber M, Frey J, Franziska Lampar, Schwaller F
Nachweis von Obstbaum-Phytoplasmen.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2004, 6-6.
other Languages: french

Hilber M, Bodmer Hasler Th, Buchmann B, Bosshard E, Frey JE
Apfelviren:> molekularbiologischer Nachwei im Vergleich mit der konventionellen Indikatortestung.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2003, 16-16.
other Languages: french

Frey JE, Bosshard E, Gafner J, Heller W, Hilber M, Kellerhals M, Ladner J, Schärer H-J, Theiler R
Molekulare Diagnostik in der Landwirtschaft.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2002, 469-469.
other Languages: french