Publication List

Publications Florian Walder

Herzog C., Edlinger A., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Kompost zur Förderung der Bodenqualität.
Compostmagazine, 2, 2020, 3-6.

Hirte J., Walder F., Hess J., Büchi L., Colombi T., van der Heijden M., Mayer J.
Enhanced root carbon allocation through organic farming is restricted to topsoils.
Science of the Total Environment, online, 2020, 1-10.

Jia Y., Walder F., Wagg C., Feng G.
Mycorrhizal fungi maintain plant community stability by mitigating the negative effects of nitrogen deposition on subordinate species in Central Asia.
Journal of Vegetation Science, online, (3 September), 2020, 1-12.

Jia Y., van der Heijden M., Wagg C., Gu F., Walder F.
Symbiotic soil fungi enhance resistance and resilience of an experimental grassland to drought and nitrogen deposition.
Journal of Ecology, online, (9 October), 2020, 1-11.

Herzog C., Edlinger A., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Effekte der Kompostanwendung auf den Boden - Erkenntnisse aus Erhebungen auf 59 Betrieben.
In: Humusaufbau in der Praxis - AGRIDEA. 17.September, Heimenhausen BE. 2020.

Herzog C., Held A., Amstutz D. L., Fuchs J., Mayer J., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Kompost Feld-Experiment Ehrendingen.
In: Flurbegehung: Humusaufbau in 20 Jahren Humuswirtschaft. 14. August, Betrieb Oberbrämen, 6313 Menzingen. 2020.

Herzog C., Edlinger A., Fuchs J., Mayer J., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Auswirkungen der Kompostanwendung auf landwirtschaftliche Böden: eine Praxisstudie mit 59 Betrieben.
In: Flurbegehung: Humusaufbau in 20 Jahren Humuswirtschaft. 14. August, Betrieb Oberbrämen, 6313 Menzingen. 2020.

Maurer C., Müller D., Lafranchi M., Weisskopf P., Oberholzer H., Walder F.
Mikrobiologische Parameter in der Kantonalen Bodenbeobachtung - eine Synthese.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 11, (online), 2020, 147-153.

Godbersen L., Wächter D., Bucheli T., Wong J., Campiche S., Walder F., Gubler A.
Concept proposal for a long-term monitoring of residues from plant protection products in soil.

Jia Y., Shi Z., Chen Z., Walder F., Tian C., Feng G.
Soil moisture threshold in controlling above- and belowground community stability in a temperate desert of Central Asia.
Science of the Total Environment, 703, 2019, 1-11.

Büchi L., Georges F., Walder F., Banerjee S., Keller T., Six J., van der Heijden M., Charles R.
Potential of indicators to unveil the hidden side of cropping system classification : Differences and similarities in cropping practices between conventional, no-till and organic systems.
European Journal of Agronomy, 109, (125920), 2019, 1-13.

Colombi T., Walder F., Büchi L., Sommer M., Liu K., Six J., van der Heijden M., Charles R., Keller T.
On-farm study reveals positive relationship between gas transport capacity and organic carbon content in arable soil.
Soil, 5, 2019, 91-105.

Banerjee S., Walder F., Büchi L., Meyer M., Held A., Gattinger A., Keller T., Charles R., van der Heijden M.
Agricultural intensification reduces microbial network complexity and the abundance of keystone taxa in roots.
The ISME Journal, 13, 2019, 1722-1736.

van der Heijden M., Walder F.
Reply to ‘Misconceptions on the application of biological market theory to the mycorrhizal symbiosis’.
Nature Plants, 2, 2016, Article number 16062.

Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Regulation of resource exchange in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
Nature Plants, 1, (3 November), 2015, Article number 15159.

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