Liste de publications

Publications Juan Manuel Herrera Mourente

Bousselin X., Cassagne N., Baux A., Valantin-Morison M., Herrera J. M., Lorin M., Hédan M., Fustec J.
Interactions between plants and plant-soil in functionally complex mixtures including grass pea, faba bean and niger, intercropped with oilseed rape.
Agronomy, 11, (8), 2021, 1-18.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Mascher-Frutschi F., Hiltbrunner J., Fossati D., Brabant C., Charles R., Pellet D.
Lessons from 20 years of studies of wheat genotypes in multiple environments and under contrasting production systems.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, (January), 2020, 1-13.

Herrera J. M., Noulas C., Stamp P., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Qin R.
Nitrogen rate increase not required for no-till wheat in cool and humid conditions.
Agronomy, 10, (3), 2020, 1-17.

Lüder Hausherr R.-M., Qin R., Richner W., Stamp P., Streit B., Herrera J. M., Noulas C.
Small-scale variation in Nitrogen use efficiency parameters in winter wheat as affected by N fertilization and tillage intensity.
Sustainability, 12, (9), 2020, 1-21.

Levy Häner L., Schaad N., Michaud L., Herrera J. M.
Quinoa et Amarante, de nouvelles espèces pour l’agriculture suisse?
Dans: Visite de Labor Spiez BABS. 16 août, Ed. Agroscope, Chaningins. 2019, 1.
autres langues: allemand

Wendling M., Charles R., Herrera J. M., Amossé C., Jeangros B., Walter A., Büchi L.
Effect of species identity and diversity on biomass production and its stability in cover crop mixtures.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 281, 2019, 81-91.

Schils R., Olesen J.E., Kersebaum K.-C., Rijk B., Oberforster M., Kalyada V., Khitrykau M., Gobin A., Kirchev H., Manolova V., Manolov I., Trnka M., Hlavinka P., Palosuo T., Peltonen-Sainio P. et autres
Cereal yield gaps across Europe.
European Journal of Agronomy, 101, (November), 2018, 109-120.

Herrera J., Pellet D.
Alternatives for Herbicide Reduction with Examples on Oilseed Rape and Sugar Beet.
Dans: XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress. 30 August, Ed. ESA, Geneva. 2018, 41.

Casali L., Rubio G., Herrera J.
Drought and temperature limit differently tropical and temperate maize hybrids differently in a subtropical region.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38, (5), 2018, 1-12.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Evaluation of ridge regression for country-wide prediction of genotype-specific grain yields of wheat.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252, 2018, 1-9.

Gfeller A., Herrera J. M., Tschuy F., Wirth J.
Explanations for Amaranthus retroflexus growth suppression by cover crops.
Crop Protection, 104, 2018, 11-20.

Pellet D., Levy L., Courvoisier N., Baux A., Schwaerzel R., Herrera J. M., Dupuis B., Hiltbrunner J., Charles R.
Les grandes cultures fourragères ou alimentaires: concurrence ou complémentarité?
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 29, 2017, 5.

Herrera J. M., Büchi L., Rubio G., Torres-Guerrero C., Wendling M., Stamp P., Pellet D.
Root decomposition at high and low N supply throughout a crop rotation.
European Journal of Agronomy, 84, 2017, 105-112.

Levy Häner L., Courvoisier N., Herrera J. M., Brabant C., Pellet D.
Potentiel de protéines de variétés de blé d'automne.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 7, (9), 2016, 364-371.
autres langues: allemand

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Genotypic predictions and environmental characterization by coupling climate suitability and statistical models.
Dans: Book of Abstracts iCROPM 2016. 15-17 March, Ed. ICROPM, Berlin, Germany. 2016, 276-277.

Calitri F., Necpalova M, Lee J., Zaccone C., Spiess E., Herrera J. M., Six J.
Regional modelling of nitrate leaching from Swiss organic and conventional cropping systems under climate change.
Dans: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 17.4., Ed. European Geosciences Union, Vienne. 2016, 1.

Levy Häner L., Stamp P., Kreuzer M., Herrera J. M., Pellet D.
Environmental effects on the expression of genotypic differences in wheat grain viscosity.
Crop Science, 55, (3), 2015, 1311-1319.

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