Korkaric M., Hanke I., Grossar D., Neuweiler R., Christ B., Wirth J., Hochstrasser M., Dubuis P.-H., Kuster T., Breitenmoser S., Egger B., Perren S., Schürch S., Aldrich A., Jeker L. et autres
Anhang I–V zur Publikation Agroscope Science Nr. 106.
Agroscope. September, 2020, 146 pp.
Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Kast C., Droz B., Dainat B., Jeker L.
Rapport annuel 2019 du Centre de recherche apicole.
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 7, 2020, 346-360.
autres langues:
Jeker L., Grossar D.
Under review: data requirements and method development of a new bee risk assessment scheme for plant protection product registration.
Chimia, 74, (3), 2020, 176-182.
Christen V., Eyer M., Jeker L.
Disturbed energy metabolism after neonicotinoid exposure in relation to altered homing flight performance in honey bees.
Dans: 14th International Symposium - Hazards of pesticides to bees. 23-25 October, Ed. International commission for plant-ollinator relationships (ICP-PR), Bern. 2019, 1.
Knauer K., Jeker L., Schoop J.
Bienenschutz bei der Pflanzenschutzmittelanwendung.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 11, 2019, 16-17.
Eyer M., Grossar D., Jeker L.
Do pollen foragers represent a more homogenous test unit for the RFID homing test, when using group-feeding?
Dans: ICPPR 14th International Symposium. 23-25 october, Ed. ICPPR, Bern. 2019, 1.
Eyer M., Dorothee J., Janke M., Jeker L.
Honeybee’s biological and behavioral processes can affectthe outcome of the RFID homing flight test.
Dans: SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting. 26-30 May, Ed. SETAC Europe, Helsinki. 2019, 1.
Jeker L.
Wissenschaftlich objektiv den Bienen zuliebe.
Regio aktuell, (7), 2019, 24-25.
Charrière J.-D., Dietemann V., Kast C., Droz B., Dainat B., Jeker L.
Rapport annuel 2018 du centre de recherche apicole.
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 140, (8), 2019, 16-32.
autres langues:
Jeker L.
Zentrum für Bienenforschung.
Dans: Besuch Bundes Minister Schmidt Deutschland. 02. März, Liebefeld. 2018, 1-6.
Schoop J., Knauer K., Jeker L.
Schutz der Bienen bei der Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Landwirtschaft.
Agridea, Lindau. 2018, 4 pp.
Jeker L.
Non-uniform distribution of treated sucrose solution via trophallaxis by honeybees, affects variability of homing success, gene expression and mortality.
Dans: SETAC Europe. 13.05., Rom. 2018.
Charrière J.-D., Dainat B., Dietemann V., Droz B., Jeker L., Kast C., Parejo M.
Centre de recherche apicole : Rapport annuel 2016.
Revue Suisse d'apiculture, 138, (11-12), 2017, 41-53.
autres langues:
Zumbrunn S., Guichard M., Jeker L.
Non-uniform distribution of treated sucrose solution via trophallaxis by honeybees affects homing success variability and mortality.
Dans: 13th International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to bees. October 18-20, Ed. ICP-PR, Valencia, Spain. 2017, 1.
Risse M., Dainat B., Jeker L.
Sub-lethal effects at stake: Does the acaricide Coumaphos and fungicide Folpet affect the hypopharyngeal glands size?
Dans: 13th International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to bees. 18-20 October, Ed. ICP-PR, Valencia, Spain. 2017, 1.
Willener A.S.T., Volles C., Jeker L.
Assessing sub-lethal effects of pesticides on hypopharyngeal glands: recommendations for a possible ring-test method.
Dans: Scientific Bee HealthSymposium. 13-15th October, Ed. TIBEES, Lugano. 2016, 1.
Herren P., Volles C., Jeker L.
Possible influence of landscape structure on homing flight duration of honey bees after pesticide exposure.
Dans: Scientific Bee Health Symposium. 13-15th October, Ed. TIBEES, Lugano. 2016, 1.
Jeker L., Volles C., Herren P.
Methodenentwicklung zur Risikobeurteilung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in der Schweiz.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 11, 2016, 16-19.