Jermini M
La coltivazione del tabacco in Ticino tra gli albori e la decadenza.
Bollettino della Società Ticinese di Scienze Naturali, 91, (1 + 2), 2003, 121-124.
Jermini M, Blaise P, Gessler C
Response of the grapevine growth and yield quantity to the application of minimal fungicide strategy for the control of the downy mildew.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 26, (8), 2003, 25-30.
Gobbin D, Jermini M, Gessler C
The genetic underpinning of the minimal fungicide strategy.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 26, (8), 2003, 101-104.
Jermini M, Linder C
Gestione integrata della cicalina verde Empoasca vitis.
Dans: . 2002, 24-24.
Gessler C, Jermini M
Malattie e il loro controllo di vigneti a viti ibride a conduzione dilettantistica.
Dans: . 2002, 23-23.
Gessler C, Rumbou A, Jermini M, Gobbin D
Oosporic infections versus asexual reproduction in Plasmopara viticola epidemics: practical consequences.
Dans: . 2002, 16-16.
Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E, Conedera M, Sassella A, Jermini M, Jelmini G
Effects of roasting on chemical composition and quality of different chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) varieties.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 81, 2001, 1106-1112.
Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E, Conedera M, Sassella A, Jermini M, Jelmini G
Analisi biochimica della trasformazione in caldarroste di diverse varietà di castagne.
Italus Hortus, 8, (5), 2001, 38-38.
Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E, Conedera M, Sassella A, Jermini M, Jelmini G
Quality of roasted chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.). 1. Chemical composition.
Dans: . 2001, 96-96.
Jermini M, Rigotti S, Brunetti R, Conedera M
Indagine sull'infestazione da insetti dannosi nel Sud delle Alpi della Svizzera.
Italus Hortus, 8, (5), 2001, 17-18.
Gessler C, Rumbou A, Jermini M, Blaise P, Gobbin D
What can knowledge on the genetic variability of Plasmopara viticola populations on Vitis vinifera as a basis for the optimisation of the control.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 24, (7), 2001, 11-18.
Jelmini G, Sassella A, Jermini M, Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E, Conedera M
Prove degustative di caldarroste di diverse varietà di castagne.
Italus Hortus, 8, (5), 2001, 37-38.
Jelmini G, Sassella A, Jermini M, Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E, Conedera M
Quality of roasted chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.). 2. Sensory evaluation.
Dans: . 2001, 95-95.
Prospero S, Jermini M, Giudici F, Rigling D
Do chestnut stakes promote grapevine root rot caused by Armillaria mellea?
Dans: . 2001, 89-89.
Conedera M, Jermini M, Jelmini G, Sassella A, Künsch U, Schärer H, Patrian B, Höhn E
Analisi chimica e sensoriale di differenti varietà di castagne.
Dans: . 2001, 268-280.
Linder C, Jermini M
Nuisibilité de la cicadelle verte Empoasca vitis Goethe sur le cépage Pinot noir conduit en gobelet dans les conditions valaisannes.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 24, (7), 2001, 243-248.
Sassella A, Jermini M, Conedera M
Differente conservabilità delle castagne fresche in funzione delle tecniche di lavorazione.
Italus Hortus, 8, (5), 2001, 21-21.
Jermini M, Blaise P, Gessler C
Quantification of the influence of Plasmopara viticola on Vitis vinifera as a basis for the optimisation of the control.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 24, (7), 2001, 37-44.
Jermini M, Brunetti R, Bonavia M
Introduzione di Neodriynus Typhlocybae per il contenimento biologico di Metcalfa pruinosa: prime esperienze in Svizzera.
Jermini M, Dietrich R, Aerny J, Blaise P
Early control of grapevine downy mildew allows a reduction of fungicide applications. Woking group 'Integrated control in viticulture'.
IOBC wprs Bulletin-Bulletin OILB srop, 23, (4), 2000, 3-5.