Liste de publications

Publications Claudia Kasper-Völkl

Kasper-Völkl C.
Animal board invited review: Heritability of nitrogen use efficiency in fattening pigs, current state and possible directions.
Animal, 18, (8), 2024, 1-18.

Maupomé A., Pastorino N., Schori F., Ampuero S., Kasper-Völkl C.
Methods to estimate genetics parameters related to nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in dairy cows.
Dans: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Lindau. 2024, 1.

Pastorino N., Maupomé A., Schori F., Ampuero S., Kasper-Völkl C.
Genome-wide association study of nitrogen use efficiency and methane production and intensity on Swiss Holstein cows.
Dans: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Lindau. 2024, 1.

Mbuthia J., Kasper-Völkl C., Zenk M., Bee G., Metges C., Das G.
Prediction of piglet survival based only on birth weight or within-litter birth weight variability.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26 August - 1 September, Ed. EAAP European Federation of Animal Science, Lyon (FR). 2023, 214.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
The genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in Swiss dairy cows: Ongoing activities at Agroscope.
Dans: Agro-Vet Strickhof-Tagung. 7. November, Lindau. 2023, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Lepori A., Gutiérrez J. P., Formoso-Rafferty N., Sell-Kubiak E., Cervantes I.
Breeding for uniformity in piglet birth weight to improve survival.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Ed. EAAP European Federation of Animal Science. 2023, 210.

Kasper-Völkl C., Lepori A., Gutiérrez J. P., Formoso-Rafferty N., Sell-Kubiak E., Cervantes I.
Genetic parameters for genetic variance uniformity in Swiss pigs’ birth weight.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Ed. EAAP European Federation of Animal Science. 2023, 204.

Schori F., Kasper-Völkl C., Münger A.
Ration protein content affects intake, production, efficiency and methane emission of dairy cows.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2023, Ed. European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, the Netherlands. 2023.

Kasper-Völkl C., Lepori A., Gutiérrez J.P., Formoso-Rafferty N., Sell-Kubiak E., Cervantes I.
Breeding for uniformity in piglet birth weight to improve survival.
Dans: EAAP. 27 August, Lyon. 2023, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Lepori A., Gutiérrez J.P., Formoso-Rafferty N., Sell-Kubiak E., Cervantes I.
Genetic parameters for genetic variance uniformity in Swiss pigs’ birth weight.
Dans: EAAP. 27 August, Lyon. 2023, 1-16.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S.
Current study investigating the genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in Swiss dairy cows.
Dans: Interbull Meeting. 26. August, Lyon. 2023, 1-14.

Roch L., Ewaoluwagbemiga E., Kasper-Völkl C.
Phenotypic link between protein efficiency and pig welfare suggests no apparent trade-offs for mitigating nitrogen pollution.
Scientific Reports, 13, 2023, 1-13.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Ongoing research to investigate the genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions of Swiss dairy cows.
Dans: ICAR Meeting. 24. May, Toledo. 2023.

Ewaoluwagbemiga E., Bee G., Kasper-Völkl C.
Genetic analysis of protein efciency and its association with performance and meat quality traits under a protein-restricted diet.
Genetics Selection Evolution, 55, 2023, 1-16.

Roch L., Ewaoluwagbemiga E., Kasper-Völkl C.
Social interactions, precursors of damaging behaviours, object manipulation, straw rooting, and activity: A detailed data set in undocked pigs under protein restriction.
Animal Open Space, 2, 2023, 1-7.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Laufende Untersuchungen zu genetischen Grundlagen von Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz und Methanemissionen von Schweizer Milchkühen.
Dans: Spring Conference 2023. 19.April, Ed. SCHWEIZERISCHE VEREINIGUNG FÜR TIERWISSENSCHAFTEN, Zollikofen. 2023, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Laufende Untersuchungen zu genetischen Grundlagen von Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz und Methanemissionen von Schweizer Milchkühen.
Dans: Schweizerische Vereinigung für Tierwissenschaften-Tagung 2023. 19. April, Ed. HAFL, Zollikofen. 2023.

Schori F., Kasper-Völkl C., Münger A.
Der Proteingehalt der Ration beeinflusst den Verzehr, die Produktion, die Effizienz sowie die Methanemissionen von Milchkühen.
Dans: Schweizerische Vereinigung für Tierwissenschaften-Tagung. 19. April, Zollikofen. 2023.

Couteller L., Roch L., Kasper-Völkl C.
Distinctive gene-expression profiles characterise tail-biting precursors in pigs under dietary protein restriction.
Dans: Proceeding of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP). Ed. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen (Netherlands). 2023, 3270-3273.

Pick J. L., Kasper-Völkl C., Allegue H., Dingemanse N. J., Dochtermann N. A., Laskowski K. L., Lima M. R., Schielzeth H., Westneat D.F., Wright J., Araya-Ajoy Y. G.
Describing posterior distributions of variance components: Problems and the use of null distributions to aid interpretation.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, (10), 2023, 2557-2574.

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