Liste de publications

Publications Claudia Kasper-Völkl

Bee G., Maikoff G., Kasper-Völkl C.
Effect of reduced digestible protein and amino acid supply imposed in the grower and finisher period or solely in the finisher period on growth performance and carcass composition.
Dans: Annual meeting of the American Association of Animal Science (ASAS). 08 July, Ed. ASAS, Austin, USA. 2019, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schreier T., Taborsky B.
Heritabilities, social environment effects and genetic correlations of social behaviours in a cooperatively breeding vertebrate.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32, (9), 2019, 955-973.

Kasper-Völkl C., Bee G., Besier J.
Augmentation de l’efficience protéique chez les porcs.
Journal Agri, online, (2 août), 2019, 9.
autres langues: allemand

Kasper-Völkl C., Ruiz-Ascacibar, I., Stoll P., Bee G.
Heritability and phenotypic correlations of protein efficiency in a Swiss Large White pig population.
Dans: ICPD - Intl. Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals. 28 June, Bern. 2019, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Ruiz-Ascacibar, I., Stoll P., Bee G.
Genetic parameters of nutrient efficiency in a Swiss Large White pig population: preliminary results.
Dans: ISAG - International Society for Animal Genetics Conference. 08 July, Lleida, Spanien. 2019, 1.

Kasper-Völkl C., Ruiz-Ascacibar I., Stoll P., Bee G.
Evaluating the potential of breeding protein efficient pigs: preliminary estimates of heritability in a Swiss Large White pig population.
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 42, (1), 2019, 180-182.

Schlegel P., Kasper-Völkl C., Bee G.
Mineralstoffgehalt im Körper von Nutztieren.
Dans: ETH Schriftreihe zur Tierernährung. 14.05., Ed. ETH Zürich, 2019, 48-54.

Schlegel P., Kasper-Völkl C., Bee G.
Mineralstoffgehalt im Körper von Nutztieren.
Dans: Frühjahrestagung ETH. 14.05., Zurich - ETH. 2019.

Kasper-Völkl C., Ruiz-Ascacibar, Isabel, Stoll P., Bee G.
Paramètres génétiques de l'efficience protéique dans une population porcine suisse.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (4), 2019, 164-171.
autres langues: allemand

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