Liste de publications

Publications Qnôc Tnan Daniel Tran

Tran Q. T. D., Dutoit F., Najdenovska E., Wallbridge N., Plummer C., Mazza M., Raileanu L. E., Camps C.
Electrophysiological assessment of plant status outside a Faraday cage using supervised machine learning.
Scientific Reports, online, (19 November), 2019, 1-9.

Tran Q. T. D., Camps C., Dutoit F., Najdenovska E., Mazza M., Raileanu L. E., Wallbridge N., Plummer C.
Smart nutrient management of soilless tomato in greenhouse using electrophysiology and machine learning.
Dans: Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting - ABIM. 21.10., Congress Center Basel, Switzerland. 2019.

Tran Q. T. D., Camps C., Dutoit F., Najdenovska E., Mazza M., Raileanu L. E., Wallbridge N., Plummer C.
Assessment of tomato plant status in greenhouse using electrophysiology and supervised machine learning.
Dans: Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting - ABIM. 21.10., Congress Center Basel, Switzerland. 2019, 1.

Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Tran Q. T. D., Plummer C., Wallbridge N., Mazza M., Camps C., Raileanu L. E.
Insights of plant electrophysiology – Using signal processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to associate tomatoes reaction to external stimuli.
Dans: ROeS: 31st Conference of the International Biometric Society of the Austro-Swiss Region. 09.09., UNIL Lausanne. 2019.

Gilli C., Fuchs J., Steiger M., Camps C., Tran Q. T. D.
Journée d’information cultures maraîchères sous serre.
Gemüsebau Info, 28, 2018, 3-4.
autres langues: allemand

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