Liste de publications

Publications Patrik Kehrli

Baroffio C., Richoz P., Kehrli P., Linder C., Kuske S., Samietz J.
Synthèse Monitoring 2012 - Drosophila suzukii.
Ed. Agroscope, Conthey. mars, 2013, 46 pp.

Richoz P., Baroffio C., Fischer S., Kehrli P., Kuske S., Brand G., Samietz J., Linder C., Salamanca B.
Evaluation des dommages causés par Drosophila suzukii, développement de mesures de contrôle et stragéies de lutte : Rapport annuel 2012.
Ed. Agroscope, Conthey. mars, 2013, 11 pp.

Baroffio C., Richoz P., Fischer S., Kehrli P., Kuske S., Linder C., Samietz J.
Surveillance Drosophila suzukii 2013 : Protocole.
Ed. Agroscope, Conthey. mars, 2013, 2 pp.
autres langues: allemand

Baroffio C., Richoz P., Salamanca B., Fischer S., Kehrli P., Kuske S., Linder C., Samietz J.
Drosophila suzukii Switzerland 2012.
Dans: Marcellin. février, Ed. Agroscope, Conthey. 2013, 1-57.

Bohren C., Dubuis P.-H., Gölles M., Kuske S., Kehrli P., Linder C., Naef A., Schaerer S., Siegfried W., Spring J.-L., Viret O.
Guide phytosanitaire pour la viticulture 2013/2014.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (1), 2013, 14-54.

Kehrli P., Kuske S., Baroffio C., Fischer S., Linder C., Richoz P., Samietz J.
La Drosophile du cerisier, nouvelle en Suisse.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 149, (4), 2013, 12-12.
autres langues: allemand

Burdet J.-P., Karp J., Deneulin P., Linder C., Kehrli P.
Occurrence of earwigs in vineyards and their impact on aroma and flavour of 'Chasselas' and 'Pinot Noir' wines.
Dans: IOBC-WPRS Working group “Integrated protection and production in Viticulture” Proceedings of the meeting at Lacanau (France) 2 – 5 October, 2011. 28.02, Ed. Agnès Calonnec, Carlo Duso, Cesare Gessler, Michael Maixner, Denis Thiéry & Tirtza Zahavi, International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palearctic Regional Section (IOBC-WPRS), Darmstadt (Germany). 2013, 165-171.

Kehrli P., Delabays N.
Herbicides against stinging nettle to control grapevine bois noir disease: does the timing of application affect the emergence of its vector Hyalesthes obsoletus?
Dans: IOBC-WPRS Working group “Integrated protection and production in Viticulture” Proceedings of the meeting at Lacanau (France) 2 – 5 October, 2011. 28.02, Ed. Agnès Calonnec, Carlo Duso, Cesare Gessler, Michael Maixner, Denis Thiéry & Tirtza Zahavi, International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palearctic Regional Section (IOBC-WPRS), Darmstadt (Germany). 2013, 187-190.

Linder C., Kehrli P., Jermini M.
Ravageurs occasionnels.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (1), 2013, 48-49.

Linder C., Kehrli P., Kuske S.
Prinicipaux ravageurs.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (1), 2013, 42-47.

Linder C., Kehrli P., Kuske S.
La drosophile du cerisier, nouveau ravageur potentiel de nos vignobles.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (1), 2013, 59-61.

Maniyar B., Kehrli P., Johannesen J.
Population structure and incidence of the stolbur phytoplasma vector Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae) among geographic regions in Switzerland.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 137, (8), 2013, 589-600.

Naef A., Kuske S., Siegfried W., Dubuis P.-H., Kehrli P., Linder C., Bohren C., Schaerer S., Spring J.-L.
Flugschrift 124: Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Rebbau 2013/2014.
Ed. Agroscope, Agroscope. 2013

Kehrli P.
Drosophila suzukii, une nouvelle menace pour la viticulture ?
Dans: Journée d'information viticole Swiss'Expo. 17.01.2012, Ed. Prométerre, Beaulieu, Lausanne. 2013, 6-8.

Johannesen J., Foissac X., Kehrli P., Maixner M.
Impact of Vector Dispersal and Host-Plant Fidelity on the Dissemination of an Emerging Plant Pathogen.
PLOS ONE, 7, (12), 2012, 1-12.

Linder C., Fischer S., Kehrli P., Baroffio C.
Drosophila suzukii en viticulture.
Dans: Reporting. 04.12.2012, Ed. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.

Fleury I., Fleury D. , Kehrli P., Maignet P. , Kuske S., Lefort F.
Assessment of the biocontrol potential of enthomopathogenic fungi on Lygus rugulipennis.
Dans: Poster. 18.07.2012, Ed. ACW, Chaingins. 2012, 1-1.

Fleury I. , Fleury D. , Kehrli P., Maignet P. , Kuske S., Lefort F.
Assessment of the biocontrol potential of enthomopathogenic fungi on Myzus persicae.
Dans: Poster. 18.07.2012, Ed. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.

Kehrli P., Pasquier D.
On the track of insects responsible for misshaped apples.
Dans: Poster. 08.10.2012, Ed. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.

Fleury I. , Fleury D. , Kehrli P., Maignet P. , Kuske S., Lefort F.
Assessment of the biocontrol potential of enthomopathogenic fungi on Myzus persicae.
Dans: Poster. 13.09.2012, Ed. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.

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