Liste de publications

Publications Valérie Hofstetter

Hofstetter V., Buyck B. , Croll D., Couloux, A, Gindro K.
What if esca disease of grapevine were not a fungal disease ?
Fungal Diversity, 2012.

Baroni T. J. , Hofstetter V., Largent D. L. , Vilgalys R.
Entocybe is proposed as a new genus in the Entolomataceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) based on morphological and molecular evidence.
North American Fungi, 6, (12), 2011, 1-19.

Lecompte P. , Guérin-Dubrana L. , Corio-Costet M. F. , Fontaine F. , Gomes E. , Goutouly J. P. , Hofstetter V., Legorburu X.
Maladies du bois de la vigne, situation, enjeux et perspective : Les enseignements de la journée thémathique de l'ISVV du 22 octobre 2010.
Phytoma-La Défense des Végétaux, 640, 2011, 22-26.

Buyck B., Hofstetter V.
The contribution of tef-1 sequences to species delimitation in the Cantharellus cibarius complex in the southeastern USA.
Fungal Diversity, 49, (1), 2011, 35-46.

Schmull M., Miadlikowska J., Pelzer M., Stocker-Wörgötter E., Hofstetter V., Fraker E., Hodkinson B.-P., Reeb V., Kukwa M., Lumbsch T., Kauff F., Lutzoni F.
Phylogenetic affiliations of members of the heterogeneous lichen-forming fungi of the genus Lecidea sensu Zahlbruckner (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota).
Mycologia, 1, 2011, 10-234.

Buyck B. , Cruaud C. , Couloux A. , Hofstetter V.
a southern lookalike of C. cinnabarinus revealed by tef-1 sequence data. Mycologia .
Mycologia, 2011.

Buyck B. , Hofstetter V., Verbeken A., Walleyn R.
Nomenclature, formal reports, proposals and opinion. Proposal to conserve the name Lactarius (Basidiomycota) with a conserved type and to conserve Lactariopsis (Basidiomycota) against Lactifluus and Galorrheus.
Mycotaxon, 111, 2010, 501-520.

Buyck B. , Lewis D. , Eyssartier G. , Hofstetter V.
Cantharellus quercophilus sp.nov. from post oak woodland in Texas with notes on other yellow brown small chanterelles in the southern USA.
Cryptogamie Mycologie, 31, (1), 2010, 17-33.

Buyck B. , Hofstetter V., Verbeken A., Walleyn R.
Proposal to conserve the name Lactarius (Basidiomycota) with a conserved type and to conserve Lactariopsis (Basidiomycota) against Lactifluus and Galorrheus.
Taxon, 59, (1), 2010, 1-12.

Hofstetter V., Casieri L., Viret O., Gindro K.
Esca de la vigne et communauté fongique.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 41, (4), 2009, 247-256.

Casieri L., Hofstetter V., Viret O., Gindro K.
Fungal communities associated with the wood of different cultivars of young Vitis vinifera plants.

Casieri L., Hofstetter V., Viret O., Dubuis P., Gindro K.
Effet du traitement à l'eau chaude sursur les champignons associée aux jeunes plants de vigne.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 41, (4), 2009, 219-224.

Hofstetter V., Casieri L., Viret O., Gindro K.
Esca et communauté fongique. .

Arnold EA., Miadlikowska J. , Higgins K. L. , Sarvate S. D. , Gugger P. , Way A. , Hofstetter V., Kauff F. , Lutzoni F.
A phylogenetic estimation of trophic transition networks for ascomycetous fungi : Are lichens cradles of symbiotrophic fungal diversification.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 58, (3), 2009, 283-297.

Schoch C. L. , Sung G.-H. , Lopez-Giraldez F. , Townsend J. P. , Miadlikowska J. , Hofstetter V., Robbertse B. , Matheny P. B. , Kauff F. , Wang Z. , Gueidan C. , Andrie R. M. , Trippe K. , Ciufetti L. M. , Wynns A. et autres
The Ascomycota Tree of Life: A Phylum Wide Phylogeny Clarifies the Origin and Evolution of Fundamental Reproductive and Ecological Traits.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 58, (2), 2009, 224-239.

Buyck B. , Hofstetter V., Verbeken A. , Walleyn R.
Proposal to conserve the name Lactarius (Basidiomycota) and its homotypic synonyms with a conserved type.
Taxon, 58, (2), 2009.

Ertz D. , Miadlikowska J. , Lutzoni F. , Dessein S. , Raspé O. , Vigneron N. , Hofstetter V., Diederich P.
Towards a new classification of the Arthoniales (Ascomycota) based on a threegene phylogeny focussing on the genus Opegrapha.
Mycological Research, 113, (141), 2008, 152.

Buyck B. , Hofstetter V., Eberhardt U. , Verbeken A. , Kauff F.
Walking the thin line between Russula and Lactarius: the dilemma of Russula subsect. Ochricompactae.
Fungal Diversity, 28, 2008, 15-40.

Hofstetter V., Miadlikowska J. , Kauff F. , Lutzoni F.
Phylogenetic comparison of protein-coding versus ribosomal RNA-coding sequence data: A case study of the Lecanoromycetes (Ascomycota).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 44, (1), 2007, 412-426.

Spatafora J. W. , Sung G.-H. , Johnson D. , O'Rourke B. , Serdani M. , Spotts R. , Lutzoni F. , Hofstetter V., Miadlikowska J. , Reeb V. , Gueidan C. , Fraker E. , Lumbsch T. , Lücking R. , Schmitt I. et autres
A five-gene phylogeny of Pezizomycotina.
Mycologia, 98, 2006, 1020-1030.

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