Liste de publications

Publications Remo Schmidt

Guggenbühl B., Dreier M., Fehér N., Beutler E., Fleuti C., Schmidt R., Von Ah U., Lüscher Bertocco M., Javet M., Bachmann H.-P.
Newly launched: Swiss center of excellence for raw milk products.
Dans: 23ème colloque du Club des Bactéries Lactiques. 08. Juni, Rennes. 2022.

Zia H., Von Ah U., Meng Y. H., Schmidt R., Kerler J., Fuchsmann P.
Biotechnological formation of dairy flavor inducing δ-lactones from vegetable oil.
Food Chemistry, 13, 2022, 1-11.

Schmidt R.
Beprobung Berner Alpen: Erste Ergebnisse der Beprobung 2021.
Dans: Netzwerkanlass Alpwirtschaft. 07. April, Ed. Inforama Berner Oberland (Hondrich), Inforama Berner Oberland (Hondrich). 2022, 1-24.

Somerville V., Schmidt R., Bachmann H.-P.
Rohmischkulturen unter der Lupe.
Foodaktuell, 15. September, 2021, 1-3.

Shani N., Oberhaensli S., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Schmidt R., Bachmann H.-P.
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis from milk products and other habitats.
Foods, 10, 2021, 1-19.

Meng Y. H., Baumeyer Brahier A., Tena Stern M., Dubois S., Schmidt R., Fuchsmann P., Von Ah U.
Malt flavour in Swiss semi-hard cheese.
Dans: MiFFi Kongress Kopenhagen. 16.11., Kopenhagen. 2021.

Walther B., Guggisberg D., Portmann R., Risse Marie-Claire, Badertscher R., Chollet M., Schmidt R.
Determination of Menaquinones in Swiss Cheese Varieties.
Dans: 12th NIZO Dairy Conference. 05.10., online - NIZO. 2021.

Wenger A., Schmidt R., Portmann R., Roetschi A., Eugster E., Weisskopf L., Irmler S.
Aat is a novel aminotransferase present in Pediococcus acidilactici capable to produce alpha-aminobutyrate.
Dans: 13th International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. 23.8., Ed. FEMS, online. 2021, 1.

Wechsler D., Fehér N., Haldemann J., Meola M., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Guggenbühl B., Dreier M., Shani N., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Arias E., Schmidt R.
Caractérisation du Raclette du Valais AOP.
Agroscope Science, 115, 2021.
autres langues: allemand

Somerville V., Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand H., Schmidt R., Bachmann H.-P., Meng Y. H., Fuchsmann P., Von Ah U., Engel P.
Functional strain redundancy and persistent phage infection in Swiss hard cheese starter cultures.
ISME Journal, 16, 2021, 388-399.

Walther B., Schmidt R.
Le fromage suisse contribue de façon importante à l'apport en vitamine K2.
Agroscope, Bern. Magazine «agroscope», juillet, 2021, 20-21 pp.
autres langues: allemand | anglais

Walther B., Schmidt R.
Vitamin K2 in Schweizer Käse.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 12, 2021, 73-77.

Schowing T., Schmidt R., Von Ah U., Brugmann R., Somerville V.
A comprehensive analysis of CRISPR diversity in cheese related genomes and metagenomes.
Dans: CRISPR 2021. 01.06., Institute Pasteur FR - Online. 2021.

Walther B., Guggisberg D., Schmidt R., Portmann R., Risse M.C., Badertscher R., Chollet M.
Quantitative analysis of menaquinones (vitamin K2) in various types of cheese from Switzerland.
International Dairy Journal, 2020, 1-32.

Wenger A., Schmidt R., Portmann R., Roetschi A., Eugster E., Weisskopf L., Irmler S.
Identification of a species-specific aminotransferase in Pediococcus acidilactici capable of forming α-aminobutyrate.
AMB Express, 10, 2020, 1-9.

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