Liste de publications

Publications Antonia Kaiser

Bystricky M., Mack G., Gaillard G., Herzog F., Irek J., Jeanneret P., Kaiser A., Klein N., Pedolin D., Ritzel C., Wang Y., El Benni N.
Evaluation agrarpolitischer Massnahmen bezüglich Biodiversitätswirkung: Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge und Grenzschutz.
Agroscope Science, 187, 2024.

Kaiser A.
Transitioning to low-pesticide agriculture: Practices, discourses, and policies.
Universität Basel. 2024, 113 pp.

Kaiser A., Samuel R., Burger P.
Toward a low-pesticide agriculture: bridging practice theory and social-psychological concepts to analyze farmers’ routines.
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20, (1), 2024, 1-20.

Kaiser A., Mack G., Wang Y., Ritzel C.
Gründe für und gegen das Anlegen von biodiversitätsfördernden Strukturen.
Dans: 46. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 21. November, Ed. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2023, 1-18.

Kaiser A.
Discursive struggles over pesticide legitimacy in Switzerland: A news media analysis.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 2023, 1-17.

Mann S., Kaiser A.
Why is agricultural policy not more environmentally ambitious? Comparing failed attempts in Switzerland.
Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11, 2023, 1-7.

Kaiser A., Burger P.
Understanding diversity in farmers’ routinized crop protection practices.
Journal of Rural Studies, 89, 2022, 149-160.

Kaiser A., Burger P.
A social practice theory approach to farmers’ crop protection.
Dans: Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020. 07.11., ETH Zürich. 2020.