Liste de publications

Publications Arnaud Blouin

Spring J.-L., Reynard J.-S., Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Bieri S., Bourdin G., Blouin A., Carlen C., Favre G.
Comportement de cépages ancestraux menacés dans le vignoble valaisan.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 15, 2024, 212-222.

Spring J.-L., Reynard J.-S., Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Bieri S., Bourdin G., Blouin A., Rienth M., Cléroux M., Carlen C.
Nouveaux clones de Syrah sélectionnés chez Agroscope.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 15, 2024, 119-127.

Spring J.-L., Reynard J.-S., Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Dienesné Nagy A., Bourdin G., Bieri S., Blouin A., Carlen C., Cléroux M., Favre G.
Variabilité et sélection clonale des Muscats en Valais.
Vignes et Vergers, 12, 2023, 8-9.

Kuhn J., Abe J., Adkins S., Alkhovsky S., Avšič-Županc T., Ayllón MA., Bahl J., Balkema B. A., Ballinger M., Baranwal V., Beer M., Bejerman N., Bergeron E., Biedenkopf N., Blair C. et autres
Annual (2023) taxonomic update of RNA-directed RNA polymerase-encoding negative-sense RNA viruses (realm Riboviria: kingdom Orthornavirae: phylum Negarnaviricota).
Journal of General Virology, 104, (8), 2023, 1-55.

Rivarez M. P. S., Faure C., Svanella-Dumas L., Pecman A., Žnidaric M. T., Schönegger D., De Jonghe K., Blouin A., Rasmussen D., Massart S., Ravnikar M., Kutnjak D., Marais A., Candresse T.
Diversity and pathobiology of anilarvirus unexpectedly detected in diverse plants and global sequencing data.
Phytopathology, 113, (9), 2023, 1729-1744.

Blouin A., Dubuis N., Brodard J., Apothéloz L., Altenbach D., Schumpp O.
Symptomatic, widespread, and inconspicuous: new detection of tomato fruit blotch virus.
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 62, (3), 2023, 349-354.

Spring J.-L., Reynard J.-S., Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Cléroux M., Dienes-Nagy A., Bourdin G., Bieri S., Blouin A., Carlen C., Favre G.
Variabilité et sélection clonale des Muscats du Valais.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 14, 2023, 183-190.

Moubset O., François S., Maclot F., Palanga E., Julian C., Claude L., Fernandez E., Rott P., Daugrois J.-H., Antoine-Lorquin E., Bernardo P., Blouin A., Roumagnac P.
Once upon a time, the VANA story based on the review « virion-associated nucleic acid-based metagenomics: a decade of advances in molecular characterization of plant viruses ».
Dans: 19es Rencontres de Virologie Végétale. 15 January, Aussois. 2023, 1.

Schoen R., Koning P. P. M., de Krom C., Oplaat C., Westenberg M., Massart S., Temple C., De Jonghe K., Blouin A., Botermans M.
First report of lettuce ring necrosis virus in chili pepper and tomato in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Plant Disease, 107, (8), 2023, 2560.

Silva J. M. S., Melo F. L., Elena S. F., Candresse T., Sabanadzovic S., Tzanetakis I. E., Blouin A., Villamor D. E. V., Mollov D., Constable F., Cao M., Saldarelli P., Cho W. K., Nagata T.
Virus classification based on in-depth sequence analyses and development of demarcation criteria using the Betaflexiviridae as a case study.
Journal of General Virology, 103, (11), 2023, 1-16.

Maclot F., Debue V., Malmstrom C. M., Filloux D., Roumagnac P., Eck M., Tamisier L., Blouin A., Candresse T., Massart S.
Long-Term Anthropogenic Management and Associated Loss of Plant Diversity Deeply Impact Virome Richness and Composition of Poaceae Communities.
Microbiology Spectrum, 11, (2), 2023, 1-17.

Temple C., Blouin A., Tindale S., Steyer S., Marechal K., Massart S.
High throughput sequencing technologies complemented by growers’ perceptions highlight the impact of tomato virome in diversified vegetable farms and a lack of awareness of emerging virus threats.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 2023, 1-16.

Mahillon M., Brodard J., Kellenberger I., Blouin A., Schumpp O.
A novel weevil-transmitted tymovirus found in mixed infection on hollyhock.
Virology Journal, 20, 2023, 1-10.

Dubuis P.-H., Gfeller A., Egli-Künzler L., Kehrli P., Linder C., Reynard J.-S., Debonneville C., Spring J.-L., Zufferey V., Mackie-Haas K., Blouin A., Verdenal T.
Guide phytosanitaire pour la viticulture 2023−2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 465, 2023.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Robson M., Chooi K. M., Blouin A., Knight S., MacDiarmid R. M.
A National Catalogue of Viruses Associated with Indigenous Species Reveals High-Throughput Sequencing as a Driver of Indigenous Virus Discovery.
Viruses, 14, (11), 2022, 1-18.

Massart S., Adams I., Al Rwahnih M., Baeyen S., Bilodeau G. J., Blouin A., Boonham N., Candresse T., Chandellier A., De Jonghe K., Fox A., Gaafar Y. Z. A., Gentit P., Haegeman A., Ho W. et autres
Guidelines for the reliable use of high throughput sequencing technologies to detect plant pathogens and pests.
Peer Community Journal, 2, 2022, 1-35.

Spring J.-L., Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Reynard J.-S., Lorenzini F., Bourdin G., Blouin A., Carlen C., Jermini M., Morisoli R., Ferretti M.
Comportement au Tessin des clones de Merlot suisses diffusés par la filière de certification.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 13, 2022, 217-224.

Lebas B., Adams I., Al Rwahnih M., Baeyen S., Bilodeau G.J., Blouin A., Boonham N., Candresse T., ..., Massart S.
Facilitating the adoption of high-throughput sequencing technologies as a plant pest diagnostic test in laboratories: A step-by-step description.
EPPO / OEPP Bulletin, 52, (2), 2022, 394-418.

Moubset O., François S., Maclot F., Palanga E., Julian C., Claude L., Fernandez E., Rott P.C.E., Daugrois J. H., Lorquin A. A., Bernardo P., Blouin A., Temple C., Kraberger S., Fontenele R. S. et autres
Virion-associated nucleic acid-based metagenomics: A decade of advances in molecular characterization of plant viruses.
Phytopathology, 112, (11), 2022, 2253-2272.

Chooi K.M., Bell V.A., Blouin A., Cohen D., Mundy D., Henshall W., MacDiarmid R.M.
Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 genotype influences foliar symptom development in New Zealand vineyards.
Viruses, 14, (7), 2022, 1-19.

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