Liste de publications

Publications Olivier Schumpp

Jaccard A., Brodard J., Kellenberger I., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
Understanding the role of mycoviruses in vine fungal communities.
Dans: D.Day 2021 – Université de Lausanne. 28.04., Ed. Agroscope, Université de Lausanne. 2021.

Schumpp O., Bréchon A., Brodard J., Dupuis B., Farinelli L., Frei P., Otten P., Pellet D.
Large-Scale RT-qPCR diagnostics for seed potato certification.
Potato Research, 64, 2021, 553-569.

Debonneville C., Kellenberger I., Schumpp O.
Diagnostic moléculaire des maladies bactériennes de quarantaine de la pomme de terre.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 12, 2021, 157-163.

Cornamusaz B., Bussereau F., Steinger T., Schumpp O.
Viröse Vergilbung der Zuckerrüben: Zustand, Überwachung von Flügen und Anwendungsempfehlungen.
Dans: Journée Phytosanitaire Grandes Cultures 2021. 19.01., Nyon Agroscope. 2021.

Bétrix C.-A., Schumpp O., Schori A., Brodard J., Dubuis N., De Groote J.-C., Bussereau F.
Tolérance des sojas suisses au virus de la mosaïque du soja.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 11, 2020, 188-195.
autres langues: allemand

Jelmini L., Rizzoli A., Jermini M., Schumpp O., Conedera M.
Phloem and xylem modifications of Vitis vinifera stems in response to flavescence dorée phytoplasma infection.
Plant Pathology, online, (7 December), 2020, 1-10.

Roenhorst J. W., de Jonghe K., Mehle N., Schumpp O., Shneyder Y.
PM 7/139 (1) Tospoviruses (Genus Orthotospovirus).
EPPO / OEPP Bulletin, 50, (2), 2020, 217-240.

Reynard J.-S., Brodard J., Remolif E., Lefebvre M., Schumpp O., Candresse T.
A novel foveavirus identified in wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris).
Archives of Virology, 165, 2020, 2999-3002.

Sostizzo T., Michel V., Lutz M., Bünter M., Schumpp O., Colucci B., Kupferschmied P.
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV).
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 52, (4), 2020, 228-230.

Sostizzo T., Michel V., Lutz M., Bünter M., Schumpp O.
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) : Virus du fruit rugueux brun de la tomate.
Ed. Agroscope service phytosanitaire, Wädenswil. Fiche technique No 102, 2019, mise à jour 2020, 2020, 2 pp.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Reynard J.-S., Brodard J., Dubuis N., Zufferey V., Schumpp O., Schaerer S., Gugerli P.
Grapevine red blotch virus: Absence in Swiss vineyards and analysis of potential detrimental effect on viticultural performance.
Plant Disease, 102, 2018, 651-655.

Lutz M., Schumpp O., Schaerer S., Jermini M.
Colletotrichum acutatum – un nouveau pathogène sur céleri branche.
Info Cultures Maraîchères, 22, 2018, 4-5.
autres langues: allemand

Turco S., Golyaev V., Seguin J., Gilli C., Farinelli L., Boller T., Schumpp O., Pooggin M.M.
Small RNA-omics for virome reconstruction and antiviral defense characterization in mixed infections of cultivated Solanum plants.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 31, (7), 2018, 707-723.

Reynard J.-S., Brodard J., Dubuis N., Yobregat O., Kominek P., Schumpp O., Schaerer S.
First report of grapevine rupestris vein feathering virus in Swiss grapevines.
Plant Disease, 101, (6), 2017, 1062-1063.

Schumpp O., Dupuis B., Bréchon A., Wild W., Frei P., Pellet D., Schaerer S.
Diagnostic moléculaire à haut débit pour détecter les viroses des plants de pomme de terre.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 7, (10), 2016, 456-465.

Bohni N., Hofstetter V., Gindro K., Buyck B., Schumpp O., Bertrand S., Monod M., Wolfender J.-L.
Production of fusaric acid by Fusarium spp. in pure culture and in solid medium co-cultures.
Molecules, 21, (3), 2016, 1-16.

Schumpp O., Gilli C.
Maladie bronzée de la tomate : Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV.
Ed. Agroscope, Amtra, Changins. 2014, 1-2 pp.
autres langues: allemand

Bertrand S., Azzollini A., Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Schrenzel J. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender JL
Multi-well fungal co-culture for de novo metabolite-induction in time series studies based on untargeted metabolomics.
Molecular BioSystems, 2014.

Bertrand S., Bohni N., Schnee S., Schumpp O., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Metabolite induction via microorganism co-culture: A potential way to enhance chemical diversity for drug discovery.
Biotechnology Advances, 2014, 1-25.

Dupuis B., Balmelli C., Buchwalder A., Schumpp O.
Recent evolution of the Potato Virus Y (PVY) populations in Swiss seed potato production.
Dans: EAPR pathology section meeting. 20.11., Ed. Volcani Center, Jerusalem. 2013, 1-1.

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