Liste de publications

Publications Claudine Biolley

Silacci P., Dubois S., Nietlispach P., Barras B., Biolley C., Bossens A.-M., Gobet T., Guerry D., Peiry S., Vonnez C., Dougoud B., Jud Khan C.
Enquête sur la tendreté de la viande bovine suisse: troisième campagne 2018.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (10), 2019, 380-387.
autres langues: allemand

Biolley C., Tretola M., Bee G., Jud Khan C., Silacci P.
Punicalagin increases glutamate absorption in differentiated Caco-2 cells by a mechanism involving gene expression regulation of an EAAT3 transporter.
Food & Function, 10, (9), 2019, 5333-5338.

Silacci P., Biolley C., Jud Khan C., Charrière J.-D., Dainat B.
An improved DNA method to unambiguously detect small hive beetle Aethina tumida, an invasive pest of honeybee colonies.
Pest Management Science, 74, (12), 2018, 2667-2670.

Dufey P.-A., Silacci P., Dougoud B., Biolley C., Messadène J.
Tendreté de la viande bovine: validation des normes d’évaluation instrumentale.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 8, (7-8), 2017, 268-275.
autres langues: allemand

Bee G., Biolley C., Dougoud B., Guex G.
Impact of birth weight and feeding strategies during the growing and finishing period on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality in pigs [Talk].
Dans: . 2011, 1-8.

Bee G., Biolley C., Dougoud B., Guex G.
Impact of birth weight and feeding strategies during the growing and finishing period on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality in pigs [Abstract].
SVT-Frühjahrstagung 2011, 2011, 16-16.

Bee, G., Jacot, S., Guex, G., Biolley, C.
Effects of two supplementation levels of linseed combined with CLA or tallow on meat quality traits and fatty acid profile of adipose and different muscle tissues in slaughter pigs.
Animal, 2, (5), 2008, 800-811.

Bee, G., Calderini, M., Biolley, C., Guex, G., Herzog, W., Lindemann, M.D.
Changes in the histochemical properties and meat quality traits of porcine muscles during the growing-finishing period as affected by feed restriction, slaughter age, or slaughter weight.
Journal of Animal Science, 85, 2007, 1030-1045.

Bee, G., Biolley, C., Dougoud, B., Herzog, W., Guex, G.
Effect of birth weight and feeding strategies during the growing-finishing period on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality in pigs.
Journal of Animal Science, 84, (S1), 2006, 115-115.

Bee, G., Biolley, C., Dougoud, B., Herzog, W., Guex, G.
Einfluss des Geburtsgewichtes un der gewählten Fütterungsstrategie in der Jager- und Ausmastphase auf Mastleistung, Schlachtkörperzusammensetzung und Fleischqualität.
ETH Frühjahrstagung 2006. Schriftenreihe Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften, 28, 2006, 160-162.

Bee, G., Biolley, C., Guex, G., Herzog, W., Lonergan, S.M., Huff-Lonergan, E.
Effects of available dietary carbohydrate and preslaughter treatment on glycolytic potential, protein degradation, and quality traits of pig muscles.
Journal Animal Science, 84, 2006, 191-203.

Bee, G., Dessibourg, C., Biolley, C., Herzog, W., Dougoud, B., Guex, G.
Extent of cytoskeletal protein degradation is related to pH decline and water holding capacity in porcine longissimus muscle (Bericht).
ETH Frühjahrstagung 2005, 2005, 159-162.

Bee, G., Dessibourg, C., Biolley, C., Herzog, W., Dougoud, B., Guex, G.
Extent of cytoskeletal protein degradation is related to pH decline and water holding capacity in porcine longissimus muscle (Poster).
ETH Frühjahrstagung 2005, 2005, 1-1.