Liste de publications

Publications Frigga Dohme-Meier

Wyss U., Böttger C., Dohme-Meier F., Südekum K.-H.
Effect of differently conserved herbage on chemical composition of forages and nitrogen turnover in dairy cows.
Dans: International Silage Conference. 24.07., Universty Bonn. 2018, 1.

Wyss U., Böttger C., Dohme-Meier F., Südekum K.-H.
Einfluss der Silage- und Heubereitung auf die Proteineffizienz von Milchkühen.
Dans: Fachtagung. 08.05., Ed. ETH-Zürich, Institut für Agrarwissenschaften, ETH-Zürich. 2018, 1-26.

Reiche A.-M., Hankele A.K., Dohme-Meier F., Dufey P.A., Hess H. D., Ulbrich S.E.
Long-term effects of disbudding – the relation of horn status and HPA responsiveness as measured by repeated ACTH challenges in fattening bulls.
Dans: Abstract Book. 28. August - 01 September, Ed. The 30th World Buiatrics Congress, Sapporo, Japan. 2018, 41-42.

Pontiggia A., Münger A., Probst J.K., Ammer S., Bruckmaier R.M., Dohme-Meier F., Keil N.
Behavioural indicators of early heat stress in dairy cows in pasture-based systems in Switzerland.
Dans: PhD/Postdoc Symposium. 13 September, Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 1.

Pontiggia A., Münger A., Probst J.K., Ammer S., Bruckmaier R.M., Dohme-Meier F., Keil N.
Behavioural indicators of early heat stress in dairy cows in pasture-based systems in Switzerland.
Dans: PhD/Postdoc Symposium. 13 September, Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2018, 48.

Müller E., Eggerschwiler L., Mandel R., Schwinn A.-C., Gross J.J., Bruckmaier R.M., Hess H. D., Dohme-Meier F., Münger A.
Effect of an acute metabolic challenge on ingestive behaviour and brushing activity of grazing dairy cows.
Dans: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. 2-6 September, Ed. INRA, Clermont-Ferrand. 2018, 1-2.

Gross J.J., Schwinn A.-C., Müller E., Münger A., Dohme-Meier F., Bruckmaier R.M.
Plasma cholesterol and adaptation of metabolism and milk production in feed restricted cows.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 27-31 August, Ed. EAAP, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2018, 176.

Reiche A.-M., Oberson J.-L., Silacci P., Dohme-Meier F., Hess H. D., Terlouw E.M.C.
Influence du stress à l’abattage sur la physiologie et la qualité de viande de taurillons.
Agroscope Science, 67, 2018.
autres langues: allemand

Dohme-Meier F., Müller E., Münger A., Mandel R., Eggerschwiler L., Schwinn A.-C., Gross J.J., Bruckmaier R.M., Hess H. D.
Influence de l’apport en éléments nutritifs sur le comportement des vaches au pâturage.
Agroscope Science, 67, 2018.
autres langues: allemand

Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Dohme-Meier F.
Produits oléagineux et émissions de méthane chez des vaches laitières.
Agroscope Science, 67, 2018.
autres langues: allemand

Münger A., Müller E., Mandel R., Hess H. D., Dohme-Meier F.
Veränderung des “Luxus“-Verhaltens weidender Milchkühe bei reduziertem Nährstoffangebot.
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 41, 2018, 78-81.

Dohme-Meier F., E. Müller, Münger A., Mandel R. , Eggerschwiler L., Schwinn A.-C., Gross J.J., Bruckmaier R.M., Hess H. D.
Influence de l’apport en éléments nutritifs sur le comportement des vaches au pâturage.
Dans: Journée de la production animale Agroscope. Ed. Agroscope, Posieux. 2018, 1-21.
autres langues: allemand

Müller E., Münger A., Mandel R., Eggerschwiler L., Schwinn A.-C., Gross J.J., Bruckmaier R.M., Hess H. D., Dohme-Meier F.
Physiological and behavioural responses of grazing dairy cows to an acute metabolic challenge.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102, (5), 2018, 1120-1130.

Wyss U., Böttger C., Dohme-Meier F., Südekum K.H.
Effect of differently conserved herbage on chemical composition of forages and nitrogen turnover in dairy cows.
Dans: XVIII International Silage Conference. 24-26 July, Ed. XVIII International Silage Conference, Bonn, Germany. 2018, 380-381.

Keil N., Probst, J., Münger A., Dohme-Meier F., Ammer, S.
Projet de recherche sur le stress thermique des vaches laitières : Désirez-vous participer ? : Communiqué de presse.
2018, 1 p.
autres langues: allemand

Münger A., Denninger, T., Martin, C., Eggerschwiler L., Dohme-Meier F.
Émissions de méthane de vaches au pâturage: comparaison de deux méthodes de mesure.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 9, (6), 2018, 180-185.
autres langues: allemand

Denniger T., Sorg D., Dohme-Meier F., Münger A., Bapst B., Kreuzer M., Schwarm A.
Validiereung der mittels MIR Milchspektren geschätzten Methanenission von Milchkühen mit Hilfe des Lasermethandetektors.
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 41, 2018, 189-192.

Girard M., Grosse Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Battacone G., Nudda A., Dohme-Meier F.
Increasing sainfoin proportion in dairy cows diets modifies fatty acid profile in milk.
Dans: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology. Volume 27, 2018, Ed. Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 2018, 185-185.

Girard M., Dohme-Meier F., Ampuero S., Grosse Brinkhaus A., Arrigo Y., Wyss U., Bee G.
Modification of the proportion of extractable and bound condensed tannins in birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viicifolia) during wilting, ensiling and pelleting processes.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 34, (1), 2018, 1-19.

Reiche A.-M., Oberson J.-L., Silacci P., Dufey P.-A., Dohme-Meier F., Hess H. D., Terlouw E.M.C.
Impact of acute supplementary stress at slaughter on physiology and meat quality of fattening bulls.
Dans: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology. Volume 27, Ed. Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLV-Verlag, Franfurt a. M., Deutschland. 2018, 165.

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