Liste de publications

Publications Geneviève Frick

Zadravec M., Weiss R., Egert M., Hougs L., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Marchis D., Schwinkendorf L.-M., Vancutsem J., Engblom L., Heuer A., Gödecke P., Müller M., Eggers T., Smith M., Schumacher P. et autres
Survey among European and Canadian feed control units on monitoring packaging material residues in feed by microscopy analyses.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 23, (1), 2024, 981-988.

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Frick G., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Zadravec M., Zegers J., Krull-Wöhrmann R., Weiss R., van der Borg G.
Introduction to new guidelines for validation of methods to examine visually recognisable substances.
Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A, 40, (1), 2023, 12-25.

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Frick G., Ujčič Vrhovnik I., Zadravec M., Zegers J., Krull-Wöhrmann R., Weiss R., van der Borg G.
Quality assurance and control of methods to examine visually recognisable substances in feed and food: In cooperation with International Association for Feedingstuff Analysis, Section Feedingstuff Microscopy.
Ed. Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen. WFSR Report 2022.006, 2022, 94 pp.

Frick G., Boschung H., Schulz-Schröder G., Russ G., Ujcic-Vrhovnik I., Jakovac-Strajn B., Angetter D., John I., Joergensen J.S.
Ragweed (Ambrosia sp.) seeds in bird feed.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 15, (S1), 2011, 39-44.

Frick G., Boschung H., Schulz-Schroeder G., Russ G., Ujcic-Vrhovnik I., Jakovac-Strajn B. , Angetter D., John I., Jorgensen J.S.
Ragweed (Ambrosia sp.) seeds in bird feed.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 15, (S1), 2011, 39-44.

Frick G., Dubois S., Chaubert C., Ampuero S.
Identification by microscopy and MS-based electronic nose of a fraudulent addition to maize gluten.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 13, (S), 2009, 45-50.

Dubois S., Frick G., Chaubert C.
Détection de gluten de maïs falsifié.
Revue suisse d'agriculture, 41, (3), 2009, 173-177.
autres langues: allemand

van Raamsdonk L. W. D., Vancutsem J., Zegers J., Frick G., Jorgenson J.-S., Pinckaers V., Bosch J., Paradies-Severin I.
The microscopic detection of animal proteins in feeds.
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement: BASE, 8, (4), 2004, 241-247.

Frick, G.
BSE in Switzerland : chronology of events and meaures - activities of the BSE-Unit.
International Symposium on Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases, Namur, 2004, 2004.

Frick, G.
Aliments pour animaux : Pleine transparence en 2004.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 9, (34), 2003, 8-8.

Roetschi A., Frick G., Hauswirth H.
Analyses des aliments pour animaux : vérification de la composition par microscopie.
Revue suisse d'agriculture, 35, (3), 2003, 131-138.
autres langues: allemand

Roetschi, A., Frick, G., Hauswirth, H.
Analyse des aliments pour animaux par microscopie.
Revue suisse d'agriculture, 34, (6), 2002.
autres langues: allemand