Liste de publications

Publications Guy Vergères

Li K., Pimentel K. J., Brouwer-Brolsma EM., Feskens EJM., Blaser C., Badertscher R., Portmann R., Vergères G.
Evaluating the robustness of biomarkers of dairy food intake in a free-living population using single- and multi-marker approaches.
Metabolites, 11, (6), 2021, 1-29.

Bütikofer U., Burnand D., Portmann R., Blaser C., Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K. A., Laederach K., Badertscher R., Walther B., Vergères G.
Serum metabolites responding in a dose-dependent manner to the intake of a high-fat meal in normal weight healthy men are associated with obesity.
Metabolites, 11, (6), 2021, 1-16.

Kim, J, Pimentel K. J., Fleuti C., Blaser C., Scherz V., Badertscher R., Marmonier C., Lyon-Belgy N., Caille A., Pidou V., Blot A., Bertelli C., David J., Bütikofer U., Greub G. et autres
Microbiota and metabolite modifications after dietary exclusion of dairy products and reduced consumption of fermented food in young and older men.
Nutrients, 13, (6), 2021, 1-28.

Brunner D., Durinx C., Erb M., Fischer M., Hari Y., Jazwinska A., Leeb T., Reymond C., Scheidegger C., Stieger P., Studer B., Vergères G., Walter A.
Biology Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2025–2028 by the Swiss Biology Community.
Swiss Academies Reports, 16, (2), 2021, 1-52.

Porzi M., Pimentel K. J., Walther B., Vergères G.
Development of personalized nutrition: Applications in lactose intolerance diagnosis and management.
Nutrients, 13, (5), 2021, 1-22.

Li K. J., Brouwer-Brolsma E. M., Pimentel K. J., Vergères G., Feskens E. J. M.
A systematic review to identify biomarkers of intake for fermented food products.
Genes & Nutrition, 16, (5), 2021, 1-17.

Pimentel K. J., Pimentel G., Hughes M., Michielsen C. J. R., Fatima A., Vionnet N., Afman L. A., Roche H. M., Brennan L., Ibberson M., Vergères G.
Discriminating dietary responses by combining transcriptomics and metabolomics data in nutrition intervention studies.
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2021, 1-9.

Fuchsmann P., Vergères G.
Das Joghurt – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 1): Ein Modell für die Lebensmittelforschung.
ChemiExtra, 11, 2020, 17-18.

Fuchsmann P., Vergères G.
Die Nutrivolatilomik – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 2): Ein Werkzeug für die Lebensmittelforschung.
ChemiExtra, 12, 2020, 22-23.

Li K. J., Brouwer-Brolsma E. M., Pimentel K. J., Vergères G., Feskens E. J. M.
Prevalence of fermented foods in the Dutch adult diet and validation of a food frequency questionnaire for estimating their intake in the NQplus cohort.
BMC Nutrition, 6, (69), 2020, 1-14.

Vergères G., Fuchsmann P.
Ein Modell für die Lebensmittelforschung: Das Joghurt – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 1).
ChemiExtra, 11, 2020, 17-18.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L. H., Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Vionnet N., Vergères G.
Nutrivolatilomics of urinary and plasma samples to identify candidate biomarkers after cheese, milk, and soy-based drink intake in healthy humans.
Journal of Proteome Research, 2020, 1-15.

Koedam E., Li K. J., Vergères G., Burton K. J.
Place des produits laitiers fermentés dans le traitement des maladies cardio-vasculaires.
Pratiques en nutrition, 6852, (61), 2020, 34-38.

Roder T., Wüthrich D., Bär C., Sattari Z., Von Ah U., Ronchi F., Macpherson A. J., Ganal-Vonarburg S. C., Bruggmann R., Vergères G.
In silico comparison shows that the pan-genome of a dairy-related bacterial culture collection covers most reactions annotated to human microbiomes.
Microorganisms, 8, (966), 2020, 1-16.

Pimentel G., Burnand D, Münger L. H., Pralong F. P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
Identification of milk and cheese Intake biomarkers in healthy adults eeveals high interindividual variability of lewis system–related oligosaccharides.
The Journal of Nutrition, 150, (5), 2020, 1058-1067.

Burton K. J., Krüger R., Scherz V., Münger L., Picone G., Vionnet N., Bertelli C., Greub G., Capozzi F., Vergères G.
Trimethylamine-N-oxide postprandial response in plasma and urine is lower after fermented compared to non-fermented dairy consumption in healthy adults.
Nutrients, 12, (1), 2020, 1-16.

Vionnet N., Münger L., Blaser C., Burton K. J., Pimentel G., Pralong F., Badertscher R., Vergères G.
Assessment of lactase activity in humans by measurement of galactitol and galactonate in serum and urine after milk intake.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 109, 2019, 470-477.

Vergères G., Bütikofer U., Burton K. J.
From Foodomics to Nutrigenomics: Translating food composition data into healthy diet.
Dans: 16th NuGOweek 2019. 9-12 September, Ed. NuGO Association, Bern. 2019, 1-120.

Vergères G., Mühlemann P.
Satellite Meeting vom 12. September 2019 "Lücken schliessen in der Schweizerischen Ernährungsforschung – die Sicht der Stakeholder".

Walther B., Lett A.M., Bordoni A., Tomás-Cobos L., Nieto J.A., Dupont D., Danesi F., Shahar D. R., Echaniz A., Re R., Sainz Fernandez A., Deglaire A., Gille D., Schmid A., Vergères G.
GutSelf: Interindividual variability in the processing of dietary compounds by the human gastrointestinal tract.
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 190067, (7), 2019, 1-28.

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